I recall why this looks familiar. Their chief scientist put up a job posting on the subreddit for array languages. It sounds like they know how to use some pretty powerful tools.
Growing sure, but still extremely niche. I think a recent report showed ~15 open jobs worldwide. A lot of Haskell users learn it for intellectual curiosity rather than any expectation of actually using it at work.
Cosmic Crisps will supposedly not only taste amazing, but be cheaper than Honeycrisps as they're easier to manage and orchard owners are replacing red delicious as it is basically disgusting.
I'm a great admirer of Julia, but I doubt it would appeal to those seeking a "true" lisp/scheme. Even if it's has a sane macro system, and much of the same power. You can indeed see s-expressions (search for "s-expression") :
This is the greatest sarcastic comment I've seen all year. You nailed the Haskell zealot to a tee. Meanwhile the Forth zealot is getting IBS just hearing about the code complexity from Haskell and all the myriad of language extensions to make it closer to actual mathematics.
Don't get me wrong, Haskell is really really cool and some brilliant coders use it. One day I'll actually make it through Haskell book.
"@" is for an array variable or pulling something in array context. You can have variables declared with $, @, or % depending on whether it is a scalar, array, or hash structure.
I've been in hundreds of P6 conversations and it is always such a bummer to see that this is always the number 1 thing discussed. Not the merits of the language, not the grammars, or concurrency, MOP, functional and OO syntax, junctions, running multiple languages, gradual typing, restricting inputs with types, Unicode....none of that.
The fact that it is always brought up to me makes me think they should've just called it something entirely different. Hindsight is 20:20 though.
Well... a lot of folks saw this coming. As you say, it's been brought up again and again, since the start. Foresight is also 20:20, if the right people are willing to listen to what's being said.