Great site. Such a great idea. Gonna check it out more when I have time. I know everything there is to know about shoulder/rotator cuff muscle exercises due to my shoulder dislocation injuries over the years, so I'll gladly contribute with that if some exercises are missing.
I bet there is plenty of coverage there for LAX already. In my impression, services like this (and even Flightradar24) at this day and age are mostly interested in coverage in spotty areas in rural areas and far away from civilization.
Don't get me wrong! I'm not trying to demotivate you. Just letting you know that maybe they'll turn you down. However, even if they do so, you can always learn a lot by doing so... and it's quite cheap, and redundancy is always welcome, right? :)
Your dosage might be too high if you're experiencing emotionally empty. I recommend looking into Vyvanse. It's been a game changer for me compared to Adderall.
Kanye West has talked about this. He was recently diagnosed as bipolar and has been working with a team of doctors/psychiatrists. The medication helps but he loses his creative side because it dulls him.
More people need to do this. So many people are way too open about their private life and then end up frustrated when they get negative reactions about their disorder.