Having interacted with Danielle a few times in the community I can say that she is very difficult to work with and obviously doesn't know what it takes to scale a project like elementaryOS up. It's actually amazing it's made it this far.
Kolour Paint is really good - basically a much improved version of MS Paint in terms of interface and simplicity. I run a GNOME system but I still use the Klour Paint flatpak since it's so good.
IMO the goal is to add friction to the external payment methods so that people just give up and use the built-in Apple payment method that they make insane margins on.
> SEO: if your content exists at two (or more!) distinct URL endpoints, it is a SEO no-no. SE-no-no. SEO-apolo-graphql-anton-ohno (I apologize for nothing). Ahem. You need redirects.
My understanding is PayPal positions themselves in a very specific way to avoid many consumer credit-related laws. They aren't a bank, it's not "credit" by the standard definition, etc.