Old custom software, old hardware, vendor wants all the $ for an upgrade, we refuse to pay. I took 10 desktop pc's($500 each) replaced servers ($20k each), one usb to ethernet dongle in every pc b/c we needed 2 network ports and we had this laying around, USB3 to GB, slap virtualization with USB passthrough. They work for 5+ years, gigabit speed, 24/7 with no problems.
People should have more faith in dongles. Not all are bad.
For me is 10X faster and it finds what I need. For example if I search for "power" it shows powerautomate (why??) , powerpoint, powershell in this order. No powertoys. Also if I dont have internet it takes ages before it shows somethig in search. Yea it's much more usefull.
WFH is not for everyone. With kids around, no matter where I isolate myself in the house it's impossible to do it. Leaving home, going to work, interacting with coworkers, telling jokes, eating at the same table, I realized 90% of the problems are solved at cigarette brake, brunch, launch, etc. Meetings are the only thing I would WFH... god burn them with fire.
Yes, but no-one does. Those stores only make sense if you have installed a de-googled AOSP, and their offering is maybe half a percent of what's on Google Play. It's an option for hackers, tinkerer and developers.
I guess it's nice the option exist, but in practice it make no difference. Most consumers are not even aware that you can sideload apps or that there's alternative app stores.
But the point is always about the capability. I am using Android because ios is lacking the things I want. For example, granular volume control ( even the lowest volume on iphone is still too high for me sometimes), firefox
I have an ATEN usb KVM that allows anything to be plugged in. I have an USB drive to quickly transfer files but works with anything USB powered. It's expensive if you go for USB 3+, DP, etc but cheaper ones work also just for USB stuff.
One big drawback, at least for me, some mice and keyboards that have special keys, do not work 100%.
Let's be real. 7 dollars (inc tax & shipping probably more) for a coat hanger? 0.5 dollars and i'm in, maybe. Cool idea, not for everyone, not life changing thing like a lot of people here are saying.
Supports adblock (addons) and shows tabs on top just like desktop so it's easy to switch, dark mode for all websites, etc. It's relative fast and lots of options. I use FF with no addons for some websites.
Honestly, I hate this on the phone. But I get it. I had that initial cognitive disruption when FF did this. But once that was gone (idk, like 30 minutes?) I realized it was a lot nicer because I could actually reach the address bar and tabs without needing to stretch my hand. Or if I have a bigger phone, use a second hand. I mean there's a reason navigation buttons on the phones (for the OS) were always on the bottom. It's just easier. But yeah, you gotta get through the initial cognitive disruption. But you know what? I also got used to when Android switched the time from being at the top right to top left and I'm willing to bet most people did too and don't really think about it anymore. As for the dark mode... well you got a point there. Though dark reader was one of the first add-ons on FF mobile. Though as much as I love dark mode, some websites are just unreadable with it and it drives me nuts. Specifically anything with a transparent background...
You can change the tabs and address bar positions (independently) in the Samsung Internet settings. You can also choose to display them always, on scroll, or never (for the tabs).
Umm, what? No, this is absolutely not accurate. They're laid out differently than desktop, but at least on android Firefox does have tabs. Not sure on iOS, but that's basically reskinned safari anyway.
I am writing this from Firefox on android. Neither phone nor tablet version has tabs. It has list of open websites ordered in a scrolling window as squares (and for sync reasons call them tabs), but no tabbar and no actual tabs. Chrome and Samsung internet has actual tabbar and tabs.
Are you using firefox focus? Because otherwise idk what to tell you. You can even see it in the images on this engadget post. In both images that they show...
I don't mind cognitive disruption at all, as long as I'm getting something better. While the mobile switcher scales much better (how many can the desktop tab bar hold, like ten?), it can take a while to open and sometimes loses your scroll position or puts a tab in a random place in the list. The previews are also so large that it's hard to get an overview. This can make it much slower to switch tabs than on desktop.
google keep - me and my wife - shopping list - best thing ever. Everyone adds what's missing and once a week when we do the shopping we buy whatever is in that list. very convenient. I have other lists but not using them too much, like movies to watch with release date.
People should have more faith in dongles. Not all are bad.