Well after just having a 5 hour meeting discussing what exactly constitutes the Presentation Layer vs the Application Layer and debating about whether Authentication counts as business logic in the presentation tier, I can tell you for certain it is Political at times.
Have you ever seen those assembly lines where a bunch of people sit around the conveyer belt and each one grabs a product, makes an addition, and sets it back down? That's fairly close.
Each person on an assembly line operates independent of the rest, there’s no “coordination” as such. A person picks up an incoming object, transforms it and sets it down. For that person, for all practical purposes, the rest of the people working on conveyor belt don’t even exist. I suppose that (not having to coordinate) played a key role in the popularity of conveyor systems. It’s simple enough to debug, address bottlenecks etc.
The closest s/w equivalent I could think of is Unix pipes. When I do “cat foo.csv | sort | uniq -c”, cat/sort/unique aren’t coordinating with each other, each takes the content from stdin, transforms and place it in stdout.
That's what optimum parallelism is. They are collaborating to process N number as many items at the same time in the most optimum way. They also are coordinating to prevent someone from grabbing the same item or placing the same item in the same place. The conveyor belt itself is a ring buffer.
The assembly line principle can also be applied to the concept of threads. Workers collaborate by handing items off to one or more workers(threads) down the line. Thread pools are just micromanagers constantly reassigning the poor workers, but at least the make a lot of friens collaborating.
There are more than one way to parallelize things as well. For example you could have and assembly line methodology where different threads are working on different stages at the same time. Using a common shared threadpool, as one stage slows down, it receives more workers to speed it up. Using producer/consumer queues to designate when data is being passed from one threads control to the other eliminates a lot of multi-threading bugs if this architecture is appropriate.
Depends on what you're looking for. Many of the best don't have their number in public, and they are not going to answer random calls from unknown callers because they're busy doing important or interesting stuff. But yeah, you probably can't approach them on LinkedIn either.
I’m a republican and I totally disagree with Barr’s push. I honestly believe that once enough people explain to Trump the implications of unlocking one phone he’s pragmatic enough not to unbottle that genie. He’s been much more reserved than many would have expected given the loudness of his bark.
I guess that may be part of the issue. For better or worse, I check president's twitter feed from time to time and one of his recent shares includes a talking point about Apple not helping with the phone.
One would think he would want to not let goverment have this power, but, well, perception of things depend on where you sit. Right now he sits in the WH.
If you recall, this situation happen before with Barack Obama as president. Eventually he dropped it because something new and more important will come up a sure as sunrise. It seems to be bipartisan if you ask me. It boils down to do the ends justify the means and that doesn’t split among party lines.
Let's not conflate 4 years of undergrad with a crash course in leadership. Id take someone in the military for 4 years over most college grads with a useless major any day of the week. For one, the degree and failure to apply it shows me that make bad decision or can't execute a plan. The military person shows me they are a leader, can make tough decisions, and are able to keep going when thing get tough.
Hiring is much more nuanced than that. Putting people into categories like "Military Person" and "College Grad" is stupid.
I think we should all appreciate people's life choices, recognize people's hard work no matter how they went about doing that hard work (military, college, self-taught... who cares) and give people equal opportunities.
I've come to find that this is typically how life plays out anyway, most decent companies aren't particularly worried about the minutia of your background and are much more focused on what you know and what you can bring to the table now, and rightfully so.
I like meritocracies. The world should always operate as a meritocracy. It's 2020 for fucks sake lets end the gate-keeping.