Whats crazy is that a significant portion of the aluminium minerals comes from a single source of bauxite in the world, near Pinjarra Western Australia .. something like 90% of the worlds aluminium is sourced from that one mine.
According this source [1], only about 35% of all bauxite is mined in Australia, so I don't think that's true.
What's crazy is how modern shipping has made it economical to process this elsewhere, all over the globe. For example, from one of the biggest bauxite mines, in Pará, Brazil, the raw bauxite is shipped across the Atlantic to be processed by Hydro in Norway, which refines it into alumina powder, which is then shipped elsewhere to be refined into aluminum. You would think it would be more cost-effective and energy-efficient to centralize this, not to mention more environmentally friendly.
Extracting aluminium from bauxite is notoriously energy-intensive. During the nineteenth century, European aristocrats used aluminium tableware because it was more expensive than silverware. (They later switched back to silver when the novelty wore off and they realised aluminium was too light to feel right in the hand.)
I took a small rabbit hole run into bauxite smelting when I found out a local place had their own power plant just for the process. It really does require that much energy.
If the Brazil plant is putting out enough ore, I can definitely imagine it is cheaper to sell it internationally to someone with hydro power than to build and operate their own power plant.
Censorship is fascism. If you want bad ideas to die, let them be examined and discussion to proceed. When you censor ideas you don't like, you give them a safe environment to foster.
Seems to me that the better solution is to give parents the ability to observe their kids' activities, and for <16 accounts to be able to operate only when tied with an adult account, which can observe activity...
Of course many will say this can be abused, but all technology can be abused and the reason we're in this mess in the first place is because OS designers haven't figured out that the relationship between parent and child is an important one which should be strengthened, not made weaker ..
Australia has been a petri dish for the testing of totalitarian-authoritarian policies and populist dogma since its inception as a nation.
Never forget that the Western worlds first, most successful racist genocide occurred in Australia, and the same racist reasoning that allowed it to maintain White Australia policies into the 80's are still being used to justify the slaughter of innocent human beings all over the world.
When the USA wants something dirty done, in yet another illegal war, Australia is ready with hat in hand, willful and subservient, to commit yet more crimes against humanity and get away with it.
Australia is where the apparatus designed, with intent, to massively violate the human rights of over a billion human beings currently operates, at insane scales, every second of the day. Australians are fine with it.
There is no sane discussion to be had around the "stolen generation" (I don't believe it was white, they were black) due to the mass misinformation that exists, the situation is muddy and complex where the facts simply don't meet reality.
(EDIT: please look at the URL, which includes the anchor directly to the section on the "White Stolen Generation" - for some reason when following the URL through HN, the jump to the anchor for that section is not followed, giving the impression that there is no "White Stolen Generation" section on the given website, when .. indeed .. there is.)
Those who don't want to confront this painful aspect of Australia's terrible history tend to want to muddy the waters, but those of us who actually suffered under the forced human trafficking regime that was official Australian government policy see things a lot more clearly...
No, it was not an unfortunate typo. You have merely not bothered to take anything more than a superficial glance at the details.
Please, before you rush to be right about something you know nothing about, try a simple google search, at least - especially for such a subject where some of us were victimized by our own governments.
The link given goes directly to the section on the White Stolen Generation:
Did you know that in Australia there is another stolen generation, one which shares the pain and consequences? It's called the "white stolen generation" to distinguish it from the Aboriginal stolen generation.
In the five decades up to 1982, the newborn babies of young, single women were forcibly removed from them for adoption, a practice sometimes called 'baby farming'. Mothers were drugged, tethered to beds, not allowed to see their babies, told they were dead. [54] Many of these adoptions occurred after the mothers were sent away by their families due to the stigma associated with being pregnant and unmarried.
More than 250,000 white mothers lost their babies to forcible removal at birth by these past illegal adoption practices. Groups such as Adoption Loss Adult Support and Apology Alliance offer help and support.
Between 2010 and 2012 apologies were offered by Western Australia, South Australia, ACT, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. Prime Minister Julia Gillard offered a national apology to those affected by forced adoptions in 2013.
Apologies, when I open the link it takes me to the top of the page on mobile which says “A guide to Australia's Stolen Generations
Read why Aboriginal children were stolen from their families, where they were taken and what happened to them.”
I don’t have a dog in this fight and know very little about this piece of history, so I am bowing out. I did think it was legitimately a typo
Many people in Australia know people that were affected by such policies .. but wait, there's even another third "stolen generation" in Australia aside from the Aboriginal kids (whom I know a number of) and the single mother kids (of whom I know a number of) .. the post WWII UK orphan kids sent to Australia for their health a better life.
That didn't turn out well thanks to kiddy fiddling "Christian Brothers" at multiple institutes across Australia who worked their way through literal boatloads of children.
Clontarf Boys Town, Castledare, Bindoon, and several other sites in this state alone were the subject of a massive nation wide Royal Commission into child abuse.
I cut my teeth on a MIPS Magnum pizzabox (kind of like an SGI Indy without the cool bits) in the 80's, 'upgraded' to an Indy as soon as I could, and would've killed for an SGI laptop. So sad they didn't make one.
If only there were a universally recognized icon that represented the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... seems to me, that would be a good logo to use for an operating system dedicated to freedom and collective competence.
If only the UDHR was universally 'accepted'. Since it contains a 'right to change religion' clause, some religions are, surprise surprise, not particularly keen on it.
I think if we're going for something as 'neutral' as possible, I'd pick something like a logo of planet earth. But then you'd have the flat-earthers up in arms...
humpedback whale defending other species could be an example of this
or ants could represent impressive engineering and ability to symbiotically exist with other creatures like aphids, caterpillars, and even a tree in the rain forest that gives them sap and they defend it. maybe a specific kind of ant could be iconic
>2. homebrew often wants to install things I already have, like python.
I think its important to understand why this is the case. The python you think you have already, out of the box in MacOS, is the system python. Its not the python you should be using - its the one that python-based tools that your system depends on, is using.
Brew installs other versions of python - and gives you access to tools that allow you to maintain completely independent, different versions of python - for a very good reason.
You simply should not be using the system python for tools that are outside the purview of the system tools - doing so can lead to broken essential system tools.
So, don't be so quick to resist this aspect of package management. Its also true of Linux, by the way - developers should be using their own python installations, and not just glomming libraries into the system-provided python tree .. to do so, is to live very dangerously as a systems operator and as well as a developer.