It will undoubtedly make it worse. Products don't work well because of the lack of understanding and time spent on the products. "AI" only widens the gap and increases lack of understanding.
I mean, maybe? Why can’t you tell us? Any opinion on it?
Sorry about the metacommentary but it’s a bit tiring with every third thread having the same stock question: Is this made irrelevant by AI?/Does AI [magically] solve this problem?
They all at the same time strongly hint that yes, AI will <panacea>. But they still don’t take any stance or make any contribution themselves!
Can you not customize the separators used when importing csv-likes into excel? Libreoffice has a neat little window for it that even shows a preview of what values go into which cells.
Shouldn't we go after the people actually committing the crime? Swatting does not occur because of corporations. It occurs because a few people abuse the emergency response system. The fix is to punish people who abuse the system. Preferably with long jail sentences.
> Also note that this approach generalizes to other text-based formats. If you have 10 gigabyte of CSV, you can use Miller for processing. For binary formats, you could use fq if you can find a workable record separator.
Having operated infrastructure that predated most modern templating systems, I remember with some amusement m4 based routing config generation that required recursive macros taking many minutes and gb of memory because there is no way to pass by reference or lazy evaluate.