(2011). And Cook was right. I worked at Intel for a few years during that decade and the foundry efforts were just not set up for success; in my area, they hired a bunch of new people, put up a firewall between us internal folks and the foundry folks, then without any guidance turned them loose. I was not even allowed to talk to them to troubleshoot equipment issues. They also got all of the equipment that we’d rejected for various reasons like poor process control, so they were newbies with worse equipment trying to start up a new group without help beyond what vendors would provide (for $$$)
interesting perspective. Care to elaborate a bit more? Where you in the design department? Why did they put up chinese walls? Was it to enable the foundry to have other customers other than Intel designs? Why did you have similar type of equipment? Were you also manufacturing chipsets? If so, why didn't they expand your division to become a foundry?
I was in a fab module. The firewall part makes sense to not cross pollinate IP internally vs. externally, but it was taken to the extreme and management moved zero internal employees over to external so it was Intel’s tools and recipes but not the talent who knows all the tribal stuff.
They probably pattern at least next nearest neighbors for local uniformity. That’s just litho though. The rest of the process is done all at once on the wafer
I had to sign a waiver absolving the government and vaccine makers of liability to get the vaccine that was required to keep my job. The vaccine I chose ended up getting pulled from the market due to the risk of blood clots. We now have the benefit of hindsight, but the authoritarian bent many governments gained during Covid should not be forgotten.
I’m put off by their website. It seems too well crafted for their main focus to be on their stated goal of giving individuals the tools to treat themselves. The actual aim seems closer to marketing or perhaps influencing public discourse on the subject
> It seems too well crafted for their main focus to be on their stated goal of giving individuals the tools to treat themselves.
Is this how you think about everything? Do you go to a restaurant with nice chairs and think, "The food here must suck, they spend too much money on the furniture"?
When it’s a small operation, yes I get suspicious that they’re not focusing on their stated mission with their limited resources. Also, ambience is part of the sensory pleasure of a restaurant.
I would imagine that there are many designers out there who would be very happy to contribute to a project like this on a volunteer basis.
Also, purposely making your website look less "well crafted" strikes me as quite cynical (and almost certainly counterproductive).
> The actual aim seems closer to marketing or perhaps influencing public discourse on the subject
A worthy aim, no?
... How much do giant drug corps spend on marketing? Last I remember, it was more than they spend on drug development; in the tens of billions of dollars annually. In this context, quibbling that a website seems too nice seems remarkably misguided.
Finally, considering how much effort has been put into helping people actually make these things - far more than anyone else! - I think trying to redefine their aim to be just marketing is deeply unfair.
I’d argue that the political message is indivisible from the information-giving message in this case. Most of the groups doing this are in the business because they have a distrust for authority, desire to help community, etc. Shouldn’t we expect their messaging to be a little on the anarchist or libertarian side?
Wikichip is my go to (which is down right now for me unfortunately). It’s important to look at the latest data because Intel’s internal nodes real specs have not met the stated expectations recently
I'm not refuting the statement, only pointing out that density is not the only factor.
Unfortunately, these numbers are arbitrary and companies are guessing what performs about like what based on numerous factors. Often wrongly - Samsung's equivalents were so bad Qualcomm pretty much abandoned them, and for good reason. Anyone who used an Exynos or SD888 understands why.
I feel like we should have landed on a better tracking system now, like perf/watt, but here we are.
That was before Intel renamed their process nodes. They went from being 1 node more dense to being 1 node less dense with their new naming scheme. You need Intel 4 to match TSMC 5nm.
I don’t think an SEM is that much more complex, it’s just necessarily big due to the lack of miniaturization in the supporting components (lens system, transformer, vacuum chamber). When I was a grad student, there was an old SEM from some defunct company that was being maintained by undergrad assistants (with the equivalent of duct tape and bubblegum)
Deploying ML models to production. I work in silicon at an established company, and management every year wants to incorporate “ML” and “AI” into our workflows, but it doesn’t happen because a) nobody wants to risk their review on it b) the median age is 40 and it requires a brain rewiring.
I spent part of a bout of FMLA learning to develop simple PyTorch models to help with our data processing, which is sometimes frustratingly qualitative because nobody can define rigorously what they want to compute, just endless sketches and corner cases
I have no insight into the customer facing side