> uh yeah you're going to have a hard time convincing anyone that a country that is majority white isn't homogeneous because multiple languages are spoken
Well, he convinced me. (Largely because I have lived in countries with communities like that).
[Out of curiosity, does my testimony change your mind?]
no - because Switzerland's population is 70% Swiss, with the remaining mostly from nearby countries that have similar values and complexions. Just because you grow up learning various languages does not mean your society is heterogeneous.
A society where every learns 4 languages and looks the same is homogenous.
You aren't: you are trying to defend the silly notion that a group of white people are homogenous even if they have different languages.
You state such a thing (diversity) cannot EVER possibly be true. The OP and I testify otherwise. From lived experience - mine with nothing to do with Switerland (or Canada in case you are guessing).
Consider today then whether the Serbo-Croation war could ever be possible under your model of reality (who would fight who?). Except it was.
I upvoted you, but it is true that for most graduates, a degree is just a ticket to the upper middle class where they will mostly do meetings, email, and office documents.
Sadly, this is true for a lot of engineering jobs too.
That's true. But, bluntly, and speaking as a member, we don't matter anywhere near as much as the absolute best.
The members of the "upper middle class ticket" group might as well be selected by ballot from the intellectually qualified.
But I'd never suggest that if it in any way imperiled the idenfitifcation and support of the very best and brightest. Which, AFAICT, is exactly what this proposal would do.
>No, largely because of the secret vote and the fact that there is no way anyone can verify how "you" voted after the fact. So you can lie to the thug threatening you with a wrench that you voted for "candidate A" and the thug has no way to know otherwise.
Sadly, the thug also knows this. But what the thug (=ruling party) does know is whether an entire voting district votes for the opposition.
Then they come down hard on the entire district. In all sorts of creative ways.
> Sadly, the thug also knows this. But what the thug (=ruling party) does know is whether an entire voting district votes for the opposition.
It's not so much about the ruling party - if they want to steal the vote, they can just just send an officer into the booth with you that makes sure you're not cheating.
It's more about those that don't have that ability, e.g. religious groups, families, social circles. That's why ballot selfies are sometimes outlawed and generally strongly discouraged: if it's illegal and punishable to prove to third parties how you voted, you have plausible deniability for why you can't produce proof.
Oh please… 28 US states have actual legislation to prohibit state offices from doing business with companies or individuals that even threaten to boycott Israel.
Not far from how NBA employees get censored by China.
The first difference being that there was plenty of successful legal action against such laws and policies which led to the law congress passes being changed. Legal precedent on the issue is very clear and so challenges to it have been quite successful, something that never would have happened in China. And, of course, organizations that support BDS aren't being kicked out of America. This is a pretty bogus comparison.