Same. I want an office that feels safe, clean, and comfortable. I don’t think blood stains from a dead body motivate me to do anything other than look elsewhere.
Well, I don't think the article argues for employees sitting on needles during their working hours, but rather a push back on the very real and opposite trend where excessively fancy and comfortable offices makes employees detached from the actual finances of the business.
I can second Frigate and welcome any work in this space, so nice work OP will have a look. For others asking, I have found so far Hikvision POE PTZ domes like DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3 have been reliable, depends on your budget. I have cams themselves fully locked down from internet and on a separate subnet on the local net. OPNSense is also a friend here. I would love some OSS firmware for these cams. For remote, I find ZeroTier to Frigate & Home Assistant machines is all I need. I get why others WireGuard too. YMMV
Oh wire guard is a requirement imo, regardless of NVR or camera vendor. I'm less worried about a nation on the other side of the Pacific getting a livestream of my property than I am someone social engineering some rando employee at Ring/whereever and figuring out the best time to rob me or whatever.
Also set up alerts on shodan opencve etc. If you have anything but a phone and personal computer on your home network, assume they're hacked and treat it like you would coffee shop wifi during defcon.
Because... Well they are. Zero days are a thing, and by definition by the time you learn of one it's too late.
Honestly I'm more concerned about the compromised device being an attack vector for network sniffing etc moreso than the video itself... Which is yet another reason why I try to 100% VPN even at home, but man okta doesn't play well with VPNs.
Search for "Hikvision compromised" though. The results are damning. I suppose there's not much of a concern if using a proper firewall on a managed network, however.
Even if it does have phone-home functions, why does the camera itself need internet access?
IMO, audit the hardware for wireless radios (PoE cameras shouldn't have them), and put them on a camera-only VLAN that can only talk to the video server.
Maybe not suitable for super secure TS locations, but in general should be fine for 99% of situations.
I think if you've got total control over them, not a problem
compartmentalising. Problem is, they're like loitering munitions, next
person comes along and connectes them up to a router or misconfigures
a firewall... Much as I hate e-waste sadly best place is in the bin.
They're cheap but, easy come easy go.
Reolink have not disappointed me so far. I am using a duo 2 cam watching over the front of the property and a collection of their bullet cams. There's a lot of recommendations on frigate github discussions. Some models indeed have quirks.
On top of decent cameras they also have pretty well-documented API.
I’ve always wanted to try making a smart chess board (with no moving parts; merely detecting moves rather than making them).
I’ve thought of:
- RFID. Have 64 antennas and multiplex them to detect which piece is on which square (idk much about RF so this felt tough)
- Vision with a fiduciary mark under each piece, and an acrylic board
- Hall effect sensors, where instead of knowing which piece is which, it instead assumes the normal starting position and pays attention to which square was picked up from and which square was placed onto to infer which piece moved.
I think with any of these approaches it’d be fun to make a tiny, single-PCB board.
> RFID. Have 64 antennas and multiplex them to detect which piece is on which square (idk much about RF so this felt tough)
The professional-level boards by DGT use RFID and retail for about $500.
I looked into building a competitor some time ago. 64 RFID antennas alone would have eaten up that budget. I believe they do something smarter like having 8 antennas and arbitrating the signals. They have some patents in this area.
I've seen Hall effect and barcode-based systems too. They've always been a bit less reliable than DGT. Actually DGT is not all that reliable: if you are broadcasting a 20-player tournament you will need to manually update the broadcast around once per round. However I think the position detecting (hardware side) is solid and they could do with improving the move detection in software.
None of this is meant to deter you from building this as a hobby project! I think all the approaches would be fun to try.
I was trying to do something like this a while back, our approach was to have a different color underneath each piece, with an elaborate setup to get the colors reflected into a camera, but I could never get the color detection working reliably with the way we were doing it. It was a fun project though, there's got to be some easy way to detect moves and get a cheap-ish internet-enabled board.
Yeah there are some trainer chess boards that use hall sensors to track piece movements. But I think there is a possibility to actually encode pieces with different magnetic field strengths and flip them for each player. That way you can just do stateless reads and you'll always get the correct readout, plus you can recover from illegal states.
I did a project [0] a few years back that did this absolute encoding for senet, since there is only one type of figure and two players so just flipping the magnetic field worked really well once calibrated. I still need to make a proper writeup/video on that thing one day...
Put an ultrasonic emitter and an accelerometer in each piece. When a piece completes a move emit an ultrasonic pulse pattern unique to the piece. Pick that up with 3 ultrasonic microphones places around the board and use the time differences between when the pulses arrive at the 3 microphones to find the location of the piece.
Maybe use 6 different frequencies (one for the white King, one for white pawns, and one for the rest of white, and similar for black) to make it easier to handle moves that affect more than one piece.
The moves that involve more than one piece are captures (one piece of each color), castling (one King and one Rook), and pawn promotion (one pawn, one piece of the same color that the pawn promotes to, and possibly one piece of the opposite color if the pawn captures during the promotion).
I don't think 64 RFID antennas would be that bad - you can etch them onto a PCB. That would be a pretty large PCB, I guess, but you could segment it if necessary.
Yeah, the transparent board with fiduciary marks and a camera was the road I was going down at one point.
There's also a really neat solution that involves a matrix of wires, one for each row and column, and then running a current through the wires. The pieces then each interact with the current in a unique way producing a signal. You then do some clever stuff to figure out all the pieces that are on a given wire. Cheaper than RFID, and you don't need a sensor for each square and can do some multiplexing. I think it possibly uses magnets in the pieces? You can tell electronics is my strong point!
I'm quite certain the typeface is Computer Modern (the primary font being CMU Serif, to be precise). It can be found by Googling it. I also distribute the fonts as an NPM library, since they are OFL. [1]
My happy millennial take is that browsers have made strides in performance and flexibility, and people are utilizing that to build more complex and dynamic websites.
Simplicity and stillness can be beautiful, and so can animations. Enjoying smooth animations and colorful content isn’t brain rot imo.
It may be unpopular, but my opinion is that web pages must not have non-consensual movement.
I’ll begrudgingly accept a default behavior of animations turned on, but I want the ability to stop them. I want to be able to look at something on a page without other parts of the page jumping around or changing form while I’m not giving the page any inputs.
For some of us, it’s downright exhausting to ignore all the motion and focus on the, you know, actual content. And I hate that this seems to be the standard for web pages these days.
I realize this isn’t particularly realistic or enforceable. But one can dream.
I've seen some site behaviors "rediscovered" lately that have both grated and tickled me because it's apparent the designers are too young to have been a part of the conversations from before the Web was Won.
They can't fathom what a world without near infinite bandwidth, low latency and load times, and disparate hardware and display capabilities with no graphical acceleration looks like, or why people wouldn't want video and audio to autoplay, or why we don't do flashing banners. They think they're distinguishing themselves using variations on a theme, wowing us with infinitely scrolling opuses when just leaving out the crap would do.
I still aim to make everything load within in a single packet, and I'll happily maintain my minority position that that's the true pinnacle of web design.
For sites that have paid enough attention to accessibility you might be able to configure our browser/OS such that this media query applies - it's designed to encourage offering low motion alternatives
To be honest, Lightning was always dead in the cradle because of it's licensing fee. Apple tried to take the high road for so long, but vendors actively avoided Lightning unless they could buy bootleg, unlicensed connectors. Apple basically took a serial standard hostage, and then insisted that it was okay because they did it before USB-C was finalized. There's no way Apple didn't know from the offset that they were diverging from the standard and creating e-waste, they helped design USB-C. The creation of Lightning was an exploitation of 30-pin's depreciation.
The plethora of crappy, bootleg cables with USB-C connectors that are single purpose (power only, low-speed data only, etc) has created plenty of e-waste, in addition to confusion. I don’t see how this is an improvement over the licensing model, where you know every cable works the same.
You can put 12W through all USB-C cables as well (AFAIK). The crappy ones might be limited to something between 12-50W, while decent ones allow for 100W or more.
The licensed model failed. I own multiple gas-station Lighting cables with no data, only (5w) power. Ultimately everyone converges on the "fuck it, what's the cheapest thing on Amazon" mindset and licensing doesn't help.
The number of “USB-C” things I have that aren’t is infuriating. Won’t use a real charger or PD, only works with an A to C cable, only works when plugged in “right side up”, etc.
At least with Lightning and Micro-B you knew the score.
The good USB-C stuff is great. The rest is worse than B ever was.
I’m impressed how fast people on HN switched from “Apple is terrible for not dropping lightning cables for USB-C!” to “Apple is terrible for dropping lightning cables for USB-C!” Talk about a zero-downtime migration!
The backlash is mystifying though. MacBooks, iPads, and Beats had been shipping with USB-C for years, a standard Apple was heavily involved in creating in the first place. Most other manufacturers had already standardized on it. Unless you lived in a very strange bubble of only interacting with iPhones and air pods, you already dealt with USB-C devices. For those very few people in that very limited bubble, the problem was fixed by replacing a single cable. It was a mountain of controversy for a figurative molehill.
It’s wasteful because it contains a chip to verify the cable’s fee was payed to Apple. They’re small but there are a lot of them and they are uneccessary and annoying when they fail and you can’t charge your device.
USB-C is still mechanically inferior. Lightning feels better to use and lasts longer. It always clicks, it’s always snug, it lasts forever. I wish Apple wasn’t so greedy and made it an open standard. Maybe now we would have better connectors on all of our devices.
The point is that if Apple switched to USB-C in 2016, the same time they only put Thunderbolt ports on MacBooks, we would be looking at much fewer lightning cables. Even if as late as 2020 when almost every android phone is using USB-C, that's still better than iPhone 15 from 2023.
I have a rat's nest of cables for almost any situation (as any accessory comes with a cable), but my daily drivers are just USB-C cables with adapters at the end.
Yeah. When I’m interviewing folks at my current company, and the Q&A portion begins, I tell them they can ask whatever they want or just reclaim the time; my notes are sealed. More interviewers should operate like that.
You can tell them that, but I don't think I'd believe it as a candidate. I'll assume that every interaction I have with you up until an offer is extended is going to influence your perception of me, whether you're taking notes or not.