Thank you for sharing this updated clarification. I just shared it with that medical professional who showed me the original. Hoping to spread this clarification
From where I stand, the countries that have a culture of wearing masks are doing better with regards to coronavirus. At the very least, it seems like a good hypothesis.
> Maduro’s indictment marks the second time that the U.S. government has brought criminal charges against a sitting foreign head of state. The last time was in 1989, when federal prosecutors in Miami indicted Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega on drug-trafficking charges. and U.S. military forces seized him late that year. Noriega was convicted at trial, imprisoned in the Miami area and died in 2017.
I wonder if we'll see this part of history replay itself in 2020/2021.
They know internally from the real status dashboards & real monitoring.
I think the issue is that this status page is maintained by hand, by humans, and updating it likely requires lots of communication and sign-off approvals, and trying to get numbers to decide whether an outage is big or only impacting a tiny fraction of users. Otherwise it'd probably always be red.
> Most of what you learn in uni physics is Math. But the Math is only one (outdated) description of the nature of physical law.
Is this the lack of additional parameters for the equations? All of my physics problems (only took a couple courses) were like "what if this spherical horse rolled down a hill at 34 degree decline" but failed to include friction, atmosphere. Just gravity. It always felt fake to me. Perhaps this is what you were alluding to by the "outdated" description?
By outdated what I more mean is that I think if the greats of the ~1800 had modern computers they would probably not use mathematics in its current form to study physics. There already has been on transition of this kind. Newton used Geometry to study physics whereas today we use Math which more has its roots in symbolic logic.
I’ve lived this small and you get clever. I put things in storage under my bed, in my bookshelf, and in boxes in my closet. Worst case, I would just stack them in the open or on counters, behind the sink, and on window ledges
The 'ham' in ham radio seems like it should be an acronym or something, but it's actually just short for 'ham-fisted' and doesn't need any special treatment. :)