| | Creating Shazam in Java - Patent Infringement (redcode.nl) |
1 point by fahrbach on May 17, 2013 | past
| | Creating Shazam in Java (redcode.nl) |
295 points by freefrag on May 17, 2013 | past | 43 comments
| | Why is the Java ray-tracer slower than Javascript? (redcode.nl) |
2 points by willvarfar on July 16, 2012 | past
| | Why is this Java raytracer slower than the JavaScript version? (redcode.nl) |
46 points by kmm on July 15, 2012 | past | 1 comment
| | Introducing mandelbulb.js: 3D fractals rendered using open source Javascript (redcode.nl) |
1 point by impomatic on July 12, 2012 | past
| | Female coders, lighten up (redcode.nl) |
13 points by willvarfar on March 22, 2012 | past | 15 comments
| | Fact: The Agile movement is a marketing stunt from 3M #arthurfryday (redcode.nl) |
2 points by willvarfar on March 13, 2012 | past
| | Devoxx 2011: Shazam-like in Java talk (redcode.nl) |
1 point by willvarfar on March 8, 2012 | past
| | Great Code Is Written Twice (redcode.nl) |
15 points by mgxplyr on Oct 24, 2011 | past
| | Tool to turn your iphone location tracking into a map (redcode.nl) |
3 points by willvarfar on April 21, 2011 | past
| | Patent infrigement (part 2) (redcode.nl) |
1 point by santadays on Nov 24, 2010 | past
| | Implementing Shazam with Java in a weekend (redcode.nl) |
175 points by haasted on Sept 17, 2010 | past | 23 comments
| | Dinosaurize your street (redcode.nl) |
5 points by willvarfar on Sept 16, 2010 | past