I think there's a typo in HAKMEM: item 70 is a chess problem purportedly stolen from Lasker's Chess for Fun, Chess for Blood. As far as I can tell, it is problem 66 from Lasker's book, on page 145 [1]. However, there's a crucial mistake: the white bishop is supposed to be on QB8 (f8), not QB7 (f7). HAKMEM's version [3] is still a mate in 3 like advertised, but the original problem as Lasker has it [2] is much more interesting.
People that write memos, articles, papers, blogs, or reports need to start off with a 2-sentence Wikipedia-style description of what it is that we're looking at:
HAKMEM, alternatively known as AI Memo 239, is a February 1972 "memo" (technical report) of the MIT AI Lab containing a wide variety of hacks, including useful and clever algorithms for mathematical computation, some number theory and schematic diagrams for hardware — in Guy L. Steele's words, "a bizarre and eclectic potpourri of technical trivia". Contributors included about two dozen members and associates of the AI Lab. The title of the report is short for "hacks memo". -- Wikipedia
EDIT: I'm aware that further down the memo says, "Here is some little known data which may be of interest to computer hackers." But that's not very helpful; hackers might be interested in a lot of things like cryptography, space flight, electronics, and typesetting, just looking at the HN front page.
Otherwise known as an "abstract". Arguably this document has one, but it's a few lines down behind what would in the printed original be on the inside front cover.
"Here is some little known data which may be of interest to computer hackers. The items and examples are so sketchy that to decipher them may require more sincerity and curiosity than a non-hacker can muster. Doubtless, little of this is new, but nowadays it's hard to tell. So we must be content to give you an insight, or save you some cycles, and to welcome further contributions of items, new or used."
[1] You can see it on Google Books https://books.google.ca/books?id=y90UTQeLeeIC&pg=PA145
[2] FEN for Lasker's version: 5B2/6P1/1p6/8/1N6/kP6/2K5/8 w - - 1 1
[3] FEN for HAKMEM's version: 8/5BP1/1p6/8/1N6/kP6/2K5/8 w - - 1 1