I got confused because I was clicking the boxes and nothing was happening. They should definitely put a demo button towards the top. But yes this was cool!
Then you'll absolutely love the URLbar marquee[0]. Combine this with a page title marquee and you can grab attention even if the browser is minimized. (Can now only get results for maps to bars named Marquee...). Now just add fartscroll.js[1] and you're set with the most annoying website.
This could be used in specific cases. Eg: To show association or relation between elements when one of it is clicked. We can "pulse" or colorize the related element.
You should probably make the "start demo" button more prominent, both my own first reaction as well as that of my colleagues was "I don't understand what I'm supposed to look at here.".
The coolest thing I've seen so far was that guy who was exporting MIDIs from JS and was playing them live in MIDI software. Edit: also the opening of JSConf 2014 if I'm not making a mistake.
It'd be cool to have music synthesized from your html markup. And have a site where you could enter a url and hear what type of tunes might be generated from it's markup.
This would have been amazing in the days of Myspace or Geocities. It fits the aesthetic of that era very well.
Still, it's an interesting library, and has its uses on certain niche sites (or for easter eggs). Just don't use it by default on a business page or anything you want people to take seriously.
Sorry my bad didn't google it properly first, not a spelling nazi - it just makes my brain hurt to look at it.
js library names has become like domains now - everything already taken, boing.js, bounce.js, pulse.js, throb.js, even wubwub.js - hey how about palp.js? meh...no rythm.js is better :) there were too many haches in that word anyway.
LOL. As a musician, I find something particularly irksome about 'rhythm' being spelled incorrectly. Perhaps because I have seen so many variations of the spelling over the years...
Working fine for me on Firefox and Chrome on android. Note there's a small "start demo" button down on the bottom right that you need to press (took me a while to spot that one)
Better than expected! I've never finger drummed anywhere and got immediate VISUAL feedback. Usually I get an aural feedback in the form of "STOP THAT TAPPING".
First I thought the script just made things bounce at intervals, but then I noticed the different boxes for base, mid and high range sounds actually follow the changes in the music. How do they do this? - I guess I should read the source code :)
The other answer show exactly the good code lines.
To describe it fast : I keep an history of frequency (size customable) and compare the subscribed frequency range to its relative history max / min value. I get a percentage out of it that i give to the dance function associated to this specific class.
I could only get the basic beat after tapping Start Demo on my iPad. I couldn't mix in with the selection buttons :( I could see some toggled on, couldn't toggle them off and vice-versa, whether the demo was started or stopped.
Those aren't toggles. They are just the elements that get animated during the demo. Each one is a demo of the CSS to the right of them. The ones that are colors are just that way because the demo won't work well with empty shapes.
Coming soon to HN, other reddit tropes such as "i'm so confused right now" when nothing is in the least bit confusing, and also memes, thousands of memes.
Why don't you try to contribute by adding this kind of dance ? Could be challenging but really fun ! (Check out the "Contributing" part README, adding a dance should be easy)
bookmarked the README to look at later. challenging part would be a polyfill using snap.svg or something like that for browsers that dont support otvar well (basically all of them except chrome canary and the webkit nightly)
ps: a nice big demo button beside 'View on Github' and 'Release Notes' would be a nice tweak :)