it will survive atleast as long as the main user base is still alive... new people perhaps look at alternatives, but they have plenty of cash to become part of a future platform for these people too. long term , a company generally changes and adapts, and these adaptations don't seem to be accounted in these kinds of critiques. anyone who thinks a company as big as this wouldn't take into acount the changing world around them is as stuborn or more as they suggest/assume the target of their critique to be...
>> but they have plenty of cash to become part of a future platform for these people too
And don't forget: Facebook has been buying out every social media platform of any legitimacy (well, except Snap Inc.?) which might rise up to challenge it one day, especially at times like these.
With copious cash it has and no legitimate contender in sight, Facebook has a lot of time and opportunity to morph and adapt itself into a future platform.
I find this article's assessment kind of near-sighted, and naive.