The ASF has used this for years. Except for a few projects that have been piloting using GitHub it was mainly used as mirror repositories for repositories hosted at the ASF.
I suppose it is because of the feud between OpenOffice (Apache) and LibreOffice (Document Foundation).
For years, OpenOffice has been Apache's most downloaded project[1]. But it is only because of the past glory of this name when Sun promoted it, and by confusion with LibreOffice.
When Apache was given OpenOffice by Oracle, they let the code rot, with just a few dozens commits a year. IIRC, their strict access policies lead them to reject the initial cooperation offers from the Document Foundation. So the Document Foundation "dropped" OpenOffice and created the fork LibreOffice (from Go-OpenOffice). Circa 2011, there were many angry post about this.
[1]: The home page of "Apache OpenOffice" claims: "Over 3.2 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5 ".
I'm pretty sure Tomcat and the Apache HTTPd get more downloads than that, it's just harder to measure as they usually come from package repositories for various Linux distros or homebrew.
When Apache published OpenOffice 4.0, there were about a million download per week, for a total of 85M downloads in 2.5 years[1].
Fortunately, that is no more the case. OpenOffice is in maintenance mode (last minor features were 5 years ago). So, even if the project seems alive at first glance, its user base is thinning out.
I had not thought about the naming of Apache the software despite it describing so many "Native American people inhabiting the southwest United States and northern Mexico." I also realize now the use of a feather as the logo.
Previous HN discussion on the Apache software relationship with the Apache people:
Apache Rewrites History: Why is it Named “Apache”? [2013]
I participated in that discussion, and it was a scummy rewrite of history then. As far as I can tell, they have no relationship to any of the various Apache tribes.