> To put it another way; if you found out GNU coreutils were hosted on Window machines using IIS web servers then you would probably consider that the people making the software (or, certainly those hosting it) are ideologically at odds with the project and are hypocritical.
From a pragmatic standpoint, if (theoretically) running on Windows/IIS allowed the GNU coreutils project to save enough money to _actually further their goals_, I'd say they'd be foolish not to host that way.
When taking an ideological stance, there are practical considerations to consider. There will always be more and less effective ways to get one's point across.
I'm reminded, a bit, of this comic: https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha. Sometimes, you have to participate in the thing you're rallying against, because it's the most effective way to gain traction for your cause.
From a pragmatic standpoint, if (theoretically) running on Windows/IIS allowed the GNU coreutils project to save enough money to _actually further their goals_, I'd say they'd be foolish not to host that way.
When taking an ideological stance, there are practical considerations to consider. There will always be more and less effective ways to get one's point across.
I'm reminded, a bit, of this comic: https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha. Sometimes, you have to participate in the thing you're rallying against, because it's the most effective way to gain traction for your cause.