The funny thing is, no matter how I reply to your comment I lose by default. If I say I have - you say I'm lying. If I say I haven't, your point is proven. What option do I have?
Perhaps you'd like to chime in on the discussion at hand rather than speculating on my personal life.
Kiro does have a point. Not you personally, but in general the popular opinion is that Google is morally bad, while Mozilla is good. I think it would currently be very unpopular to say that Google just made some bad decisions, as in it's not actually "bad", because it would muddy the one-dimensional good-bad discourse to which most of these mainstream problems descend to. Note I'm not actually passing judgements, just talking about group think.
I concede that this is a valid outlook (which I did not gather from Kiro's comment, so thanks for clarifying).
I tried to word my comment in a way that made it clear that I believe this mentality should apply to _all_ companies, including Google, when a company makes a move in the direction of benefiting consumer privacy. I perhaps could have made that more clear in my original comment.
You may not remember this, but Google used to be cool.
"Don't be evil", and all that. There was a lot of hope - when Microsoft was still the bad guys. Working at Google was the dream - they made movies about that.
Nowadays we all feel stupid, obviously.
Right up to deleting "Don't be evil". Literally taking it out. The nerve.
Alphabet is Google's parent company and did not exist when "Don't be evil" was put at the top of Googles preamble.
Functionally, they took it out. Both by not using it in the new parent company, and deleting it out of the preamble of Google itself.
Yeah okay it still occurs somewhere.
But "Do the right thing" as substitute to "Don't be evil" has clear implications except if you are terribly naive.