Doesn't this qualify as blog spam?
From guidelines:
"Please submit the original source. If a blog post reports on something they found on another site, submit the latter. "
Cooking for Engineers seems like it's in a nice market niche (underserved, high-income customers) with plenty of potential. A better design, some PR (maybe this 37signals post indicates that's happening) and I could see it doing very well.
I love to cook and I'm a math nerd. That recipe framework is really awesome, extremely logical, and easy to follow. To bad I rarely use recipes, and when I do, I don't think they'll be in this format! :)
The framework is nice, but the two recipes I tried from the site turned out horribly. Willing to accept that I'm an average cook - but the results from similar "standard" recipes were much better.
In this particular recipe I'd say its a mistake to fry the garlic first. It burns a lot more quickly than onion. As a general template to order in which to cook veges and meat (especially in a Mediterranean style) this Emeril recipe is unbeatable:,1977,FOOD_9...
Cool idea but not for me. There's something about voluntarily following a Gantt chart for something I consider a hobby and an outlet for creativity that spooks me.