Since the AppleScript instructs the terminal to change _the current session_'s theme, if ssh exits while you're in another tab (say due to a disconnect), the tab which is currently frontmost will have its theme changed to 'Solarized Dark', while the tab you had run ssh in will stay as 'Solarized Light'.
Of course, this won't show up in testing -- and will be rather surprising when it does show up. :-)
That's kind of nifty, but I still prefer reading the hostname on the connection. I use a variation of Steve Losh's awesome zsh prompt and that helps make things petty obvious (if anything, because some of the remote shells won't have the beefed up prompt)
Well thanks for sharing, I guess; a lot of people apparently really like those themes if the recent HN thread is anything to go by:
Anyway, that wasn't the point of the post; you could use this technique just as well with whatever color schemes that you can see shit on.
Since the AppleScript instructs the terminal to change _the current session_'s theme, if ssh exits while you're in another tab (say due to a disconnect), the tab which is currently frontmost will have its theme changed to 'Solarized Dark', while the tab you had run ssh in will stay as 'Solarized Light'.
Of course, this won't show up in testing -- and will be rather surprising when it does show up. :-)