In a generation, vim and emacs will still be around with their minuscule but loyal user bases of tinkerers and VS code will have long been replaced by something newer and flashier.
Ah, but you miss its hackability aspect by virtue of being a lisp runtime. I wouldn't say eclipse is anywhere close to "hackable" as emacs is.
Just run C-x b <scratch> RET and you have an elisp buffer to manipulate the state of the entire editor. It allows for superfast iteration, compared to the plugin development cycle of other editors. Though, vscode/javascript has definitely made it much closer to what is possible in emacs.
"Superior" for sure isn't the word I'd use, almost every one of the editors and IDEs make a bunch of trade-offs that appeal to different audiences
IMHO, the barrier to entry for modification for both emacs and vim is much lower than their competition: evaluate text in a buffer, observe change to your editor
I don't know of any other tooling has that immediate feedback loop remeniscient of the old JS in HTML (or the dev tools console, as apples to apples) approachability
I am more accustomed to vim than emacs.
Some things I painfully miss when using something else than vim : quick and easy shortcuts to jump around the file, delete words/blocks/parenthesis, place marks to jump between parts of one or multiple files, macros, filtering parts of the file through external command...