I REALLY wonder who is behind this attack. I’m going to make a wild ass guess and suppose the attack is connected with the recent uptick in usage among people monitoring flight traffic of planes fighting the Glass Fire in California. Who benefits from disrupting this information channel?
Turkish hackers. Terrorist Turkey is transporting a lot of missionary jihadists (pays them around 2k) from Syria to fight for Azerbaijan. You don't want those "commercial" planes to appear on flight radar. Do you?
Probably nobody cared about internal us fires. On the weekend a new war started between Azerbaijan and Armenia. And there are a lot of other wars in that region where someone might hide one or another flights.
Apparently Flightaware also had issues which could explain that. ADSBExchange was still up but they're probably just too unknown for attackers to care. If you bring down Flightaware and Flightradar you can prevent most people from tracking those flights.
Appears to be mostly back up, albeit very unstable. They needed several attempts so I guess attackers had a few attack vectors and switched those every time one was closed. Which points to a well prepared attack, not just a script kiddy renting a few AWS servers.