They are also earning 300k for first year analyst (it goes up more every year). 100 hours is pretty normal for what they are getting paid. Sustainable? Not for many but still a lot more of money for a 21 year old at the end of the day.
$100k is about the same as $20/hr factory worker working similar hours. Or put another way mail sorting plant postal workers may make about the same amount for similar hours...
this is false. First year associate all in is slightly sub 300, but compare to similarly type A hoop jumping prestige chasing programmers in NYC(or SF) it's a bad deal - plus taxes, CoL, etc. Analyst is low 100 as someone said below.
At least analysts can bail to the buy side and have a +EV path out.
London folks have it way worse too, I hear. Same jobs, 60% of comp, London isn't cheaper than NY.
software engineering grads who are in the same prestige level as entry level goldman bankers make more money. banking really only pays off for the top few percent that make it
Some very serious survey results in there. It's apparently a very small sample size (13 first years), but life sounds like absolute hell for those 13.