+1 -- yes if you must develop AWS lambda, then serverless is the BEST way.
BUT .. I should also say that while I started ~5 years ago with serverless framework, in the past year I've completely transitioned everything over to the Azure Durable Serverless Functions.
AZ has their own same-same-but-better "Core Functions Power Tools", it's got a lovely & zippy cli interface built in node that is separate/decoupled from the "az cli". Just like serverless you can run/dev/test locally, then quickly deploy to azure. The debugging integration with VS code, distributed tracing, even "AZ Remote Debugging" with "Azure Hybrid Connections" creates super fast inner/outer development loops.
If you like the "serverless model" then you also need to check-out AZ "Logic Apps". Logic custom connectors totally kick ass imho since they provide a ton of insight into how data is moving through the application, basically you deploy and you get instantaneous telemetry.
Deploying software that costs nothing (except negligible storage fees) unless you're using it AND would require an ELE (i.e. meteor strike) to break is very cool.