This resonated so much to me & meant so much. It felt like such a breath of fresh air. I still ascribe to the ideas here. But almost a decade later I feel like there's still little more than faith, I've seen so little evidence that software is capable of being conceived in processes that have appreciable consideration & soak time, by well regarded crafts-people. We feel damned by too-much-scale/too-many-concerns on one side, and too many pressures on the other.
I believe very much in the deep soulsearching activities of software development- it feels intensively valuable- but this slow seeking feel still more mystical in nature & happening than what we have, and I yearn to see more reinforcement, more exploration of what Rich was talking about, want so much a way to channel this talk into the real, into something understood, believed, and practiced. I don't think we've seen a lot of progress, but I feel like this article kindled a lot of belief, that still sparks strong in a lot of people, but which has not found a way to be shared or revealed yet.
I believe very much in the deep soulsearching activities of software development- it feels intensively valuable- but this slow seeking feel still more mystical in nature & happening than what we have, and I yearn to see more reinforcement, more exploration of what Rich was talking about, want so much a way to channel this talk into the real, into something understood, believed, and practiced. I don't think we've seen a lot of progress, but I feel like this article kindled a lot of belief, that still sparks strong in a lot of people, but which has not found a way to be shared or revealed yet.