Well, I didn't know about sublime before, and so far I'm into my first hour of usage. I've been looking for the perfect code editor for years. Always settled. Until an hour ago I was using Eclipse (with pydev), Gedit for very big files, and vim occasionally. This news item actually might get me closer to working with a single code editor. Its absolutely fantastic so far and very fast.
Well done.
It's not really newsworthy though. I could see a release being posted to HN if it contained a huge new feature set but from what I can see this is just normal update ?
I just thought the same thing seeing this post on frontpage and the feedback request submission I made less than one hour ago about my new startup asaclock being flagged from #6 on frontpage to 3rd (now 4th) page without a (IMHO) good reason.
Have been using Sublime for 4 months or so and really enjoying it. It strikes the perfect balance between having enough nice features and tools to make programmer happy and getting to much in your face (like many IDE's).
I like using it as a text editor but have had trouble getting it set up for Scala development. Other than getting syntax highlighting I have had trouble integrating it with an outside compiler and getting a few niceties like auto complete and highlighting errors on compile.
I'm curious, what language do you code in using Sublime and what is your set up?
I really enjoy this feature. Instead of installing 5-10 plugins to make vim look like Sublime Text, it just takes a few steps to make Sublime Text work like vim. And it's cross-platform to boot!
I don't want to seem inquisitive, but it looks a lot like VIM. I thought it was VIM, or a human-friendly version of it.
I took a look to http://www.sublimetext.com/features and many of the features listed are available on a vanilla VIM. Many, if not all, except "Asynchronous file loading, so you're never blocked when loading files off slow network drives", "WinSCP integration for editing remote files via SCP and FTP" (OK, maybe you can have the last one using sshfs).
[edited, I've removed "Commenting and uncommenting blocks of text" from the features vim does not have.]
I think the direct way with scp URIs is faster in regard to the setup time as you don't have to setup fuse and fiddle with permissions.
I must admit i don't use it regularly (but i use tramp mode quite often) but you can browse remote directories, change between hosts without mounting a directory first or open files not lying in the current mountpoint. The only major drawback is if you don't use ssh keys or use programs which don't support gvfs/kio
Went Sublime Text 2 over the summer and haven't looked back at Text Mate since. Supposedly we are going to have Text Mate 2 by Christmas though, and then I imagine I'm going to have a tough decision to make.
I was a long-time TextMate user. The main advantage that ST has of TM is that the Go To Anything (files, functions in a file) feature is much, much faster than TextMate's. It also shows you the contents of files as you type, so you can sneak a peek at a file, copy some text, without actually opening the file in a new tab. The full project search has a less native-looking interface than TM but it's faster, especially on huge projects.
It runs on other platforms. "e" always felt like a hack to me on windows. I use Linux and it runs PERFECTLY. I was a Textmate lover and it feels great to have an editor that can use Mate's plugins and themes AND extend the possibilities.
hmm. I use Sublime Text 2 every day and I don't think it's kitschy at all. I can't even imagine why you would put the word feature in quotes. It's one of my favorite features even after using it for months.
It's like having all of the benefits of a scrollbar with the addition of getting an overview of the file you're working on. When I need to scroll to a specific location in a file, my eyes flick over to the minimap and I know where I am in the file. It's subtle and unobtrusive when I don't need it so I barely notice it otherwise. I think it's a better feature than code folding and something I think all editors should offer.
At first I thought it was a bit silly eye candy but I have found that it really is useful for longer documents. In longer documents and code, the syntax highlighting along with the "shape" of the document gives a nice "gestalt" sense of things.
It's a decent and useful feature, the only real issue I have with it is the empty space underneath. When you have a short document, I find myself clicking on that empty space to get to the end of the line and then being confused as to why it's scrolling the document. Perhaps it should be a slightly different color than the main document.
As a Vimmer, I'm in the slow process of transitioning. I actually write plugins for the languages I use and the API in Sublime is actually really great. The main thing holding me up from daily use is that the bugs in Vintage make me crazy and I don't want to spend the time to fix them myself. Hopefully the transition to github for the mode will get it stabilized faster.
I'm using Sublime Text 2 because it's obviously the new hotness in the valley.
I was at a g2g and everyone was coding in ST2. The social stigmatism of not using the new hotness is enough to get a lot of people to conform or be an obviously bad developer.
tl;dr Code editors have more mindshare than _actually getting stuff done_.
This same phenomenon is why I use a MacBook Pro (though admittedly, the MBP is peerless, unlike TEXT EDITORS).
A text editor is "hotness" in the valley? And that makes it worth using? Please someone assure me that "the valley" culture isn't so arrogant and full of itself that one would really be judged for not giving (frankly) two shits about Sublime Text?
(getting downvoted by Sublime Text 2 fans* it appears)
>Just because people you dislike like it, is no reason to dismiss it entirely.
I don't know how that could be taken from my post. The grandfather comment implied that I would be looked down upon if I didn't use the "hip" Sublime Text 2, which I find to be absurd. I couldn't care less if people want to use unix utilities, notepad, ultraedit, vim, emacs or Microsoft Word to edit their files, but looking down on others seems absurd.
Does anyone know how to tweak the windowing behaviour so that it doesn't open up all your previous windows (or group the new file in the same window as your other project)? Other than the lack of usable options, it's pretty nice!
For some reason on OS X Lion (Sublime v. 2136 & 2139) tabs do not show up for me unless I go to the bottom right and click Spaces: 4> Convert Tabs to spaces. Then only the current window's tab is shown.
This is smooth and runs pretty fast, but back to text mate for me, I need to see the tabs, see what I have open. Textmate has a nasty 'refresh project on focus' situation that kills working over a network (remate2 fixes that), but Sublime seems to work well over a network.
I'm not on Lion, but even on Snow Leopard, Sublime will only show a tab for a file if you double click the file in the sidebar, or edit the file (which Convert Tabs to Spaces is doing). Though there might be a Lion specific issue aside from this.
The sidebar keyboard navigation is a big one for me that's been missing. And the folding arrows will help. I don't know why you'd want them to fade but nice that it's up to you.