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The FreeBSD/Firecracker Platform (daemonology.net)
227 points by cperciva on Oct 18, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 102 comments

From the article: "but Firecracker's implementation had two bugs: It placed the MPTable in the wrong place (above the advertised top of system memory rather than in the last kB) and it set a field containing the number of table entries to zero rather than the appropriate count. In both cases, Linux accepts the broken behaviour; so I added a "bug for bug compatibility" option to the FreeBSD MPTable code."

I'm pretty sure that discoveries like these is why it's good to have operating system diversity. Conversely, sometimes I do wonder if having everyone on the same OS would allow us to have way more cool things and still have less bugs. But it doesn't matter too much because it'll never happen...

> But it doesn't matter too much because it'll never happen...

I'm not saying you're wrong or right, but it's worth remembering that it's hard to guess how it'll be in the future. Maybe Apple acquires Microsoft at one point (or vice-versa) and eventually ends up buying Linux (somehow, don't ask me how), and we'll end up with one OS for absolutely everything. Weirder stuff have happened.

There used to be multiple contenders for what would end up as "the internet", with many countries having their own versions. I'm sure at that point some people had similar sentiments running through their heads, something like "wow, wouldn't it be cool if all these various networks was just one instead? But that'll never happen..."

Similarly how we today look at messaging services not being interoperable with each other, but seems this is slowly (veeery slowly) changing.

FreeBSD really deserves all the love it can get. It is an amazing system to work with and develop on, and I'll never stop evangelizing everyone about it.

If you need fresh ears/someone to practice on - I'm all yours. I'm not ready to discuss usage on desktop - in my opinion it even more useless than Linux, but on server side, for web services related projects I'm fine.

My upper limit would be ~ 5000 servers in use, 3-500 web related developers for that system/servers.

I would say that you can look at poudriere and jails then. You can tweak your many systems for optimal performance and have a build environment plus update system to keep them all running all on your own infrastructure, and roll out updates as required.

Jails are fantastic for segregation of services. Linux has comparable things, but I've always been more comfortable in the jail environment. It just makes more sense to me.

FreeBSD is much more of a Unix-y way of doing things, and if that's the kind of thing you prefer, it's excellent. I'm not a systemd hater in particular, but I do prefer Ye Olde Wayes.

I'm not sure what is evangelical here using FreeBSD in your reply, can you highlight?

If its tweaking, then im trying to remember any kind of tweaking of the system beyond sysctls that I'd practically need ..cannot much.

Jails probably OK, but as you mentioned it's nothing unique like it was till 2006..

I don't see your selling point.

In your opinion, what is the best thing that FreeBSD offers?


Everything is in one place, and it is maintained. In contrast, Linux requires you to go look up documentation in a lot of different places, and it is highly dependent on distribution what to do in a given situation.

One reason for this is that FreeBSD maintains not only a kernel, but also a userland. This means a change in the kernel can immediately be followed by appropriate changes in the userland and vice versa.

Yeah. And the exception (as a desktop user) - ArchLinux - really proves the rule here. I like Arch for a handful of reasons but the documentation is really the standout one.

But my experience with FreeBSD's docs are even better - and most of that experience is quite old at this point. I can't imagine how much better the situation has gotten since FreeBSD only seems to mature and not degrade (based on comments like yours which are very common).

I use Arch docs all the time, even for non-Arch distros. What really makes the wiki stand out is its focus on practical problems with examples, more than man-pages style docs. Is there anything similar for FreeBSD? I know the man pages are supposed to be amazing, but it's just a different problem to solve IMO.

I also seriously dislike the BSD's tendency towards making --help useless, forcing you to bring up the man page. This is just for practical reasons. It's easier to hit up arrow, dash dash help pipe less than up arrow, ctrl+a, man, alt+f, ctrl+k to kill the arguments you've already written :)

> forcing you to bring up the man page

Man pages in OpenBSD for instance are a "must". In the GNU world, often man pages are really badly maintained pointing to GNU info. Also, the so called "Linux Howtos" were a disaster full of obsolete points.

Just compare the OpenBSDxy.html upgrading page (where m and n are release numbers) for OpenBSD releases (and the FAQ) to the Arch Wiki.

Man alive, OpenBSD's documentation is excellent. FreeBSD is good too, but there is just so, so much in the OpenBSD man pages.

OpenBSD also strikes a very good balance between "informative" and "terse" that should be held up as a model for others. Unfamiliar things may need a few readings to get everything, but it's all there without being a toilet-clogger.

Oh this looks really nice!

/me adds a new project to the backlog...

That was my first problem with Linux, getting docs to configure the system was horrible. From Debian Woody to SuSE and then Debian Sarge, every distro was chaotic and Yast and Debconf overwrote everything.

With NetBSD and OpenBSD everything looked sane. They explained you everything, from /etc/profile, managing services without making you mad with runlevels, to launching X and so on.

> They explained you everything


Small English correction: the noun directly after the verb "to explain" must be the thing that is being explained. What you wrote means "they explained [anthk] [to everything]". They gave an explanation of you to the whole universe?

This is a common mistake but it winds me up every time.

"They explained" + the thing they explained + optionally to whom or what they explained it.

It should be: "they explained everything to you."

Yeah, I double this

I have been using both FreeBSD and Linux for many decades.

Until around 2003 to 2005, FreeBSD had much better performance and reliability than Linux.

That changed after Intel introduced Pentium 4 with multiple threads in 2003 and AMD introduced CPUs with multiple cores in 2005. Before that, multiple hardware threads were available only in very expensive computers, which were inaccessible for most people.

Linux was adapted very quickly to work on multi-core or multi-thread CPUs, while FreeBSD required many years for that transition.

At that time, Linux got a great advance in performance over FreeBSD, which was difficult to recover later.

Nowadays, FreeBSD has device driver support for a much less number of devices than Linux, so you must be more careful when choosing hardware for it.

Nevertheless, even if I use Linux in laptops, desktops and computational servers, I have continued to use FreeBSD in networking servers until today.

The main reason is that the administration of a FreeBSD server requires much less time than the administration of a Linux server (which requires much less time than the administration of a Windows server).

With FreeBSD, I may not do anything manually for years, if I have configured it to make certain automatic updates.

With Linux, at least with the distributions that I like for other reasons, I have to always supervise the updates, because the updates frequently break things. (I assume that this might not happen with something like Debian stable, but whenever I have looked to a Linux distribution like that, it was too antiquated for my needs.)

One of the main culprits is always Python, because there are a huge number of packages that insist that they are compatible only with a certain Python version, and they conflict between themselves even when I have all the possible Python versions installed. I could understand that passing from Python 2 to 3 has broken things, but why some packages like Python 3.9 and dislike 3.10 is beyond me. Also the compatibility with various Qt versions frequently causes update problems.

On FreeBSD all the system is more consistent, so I need to spend no more than a couple of hours for a server after several years of 24/7 functioning, when I make some hardware update and when I might replace the major FreeBSD version at the same time.

I have just about zero experience running any kind of BSD systems, but I just wanted to know a bit more about this:

> With Linux, at least with the distributions that I like for other reasons, I have to always supervise the updates, because the updates frequently break things

What distributions have you run into these issues with and how often is "frequently" for you?

I'm running Arch Linux on my desktop and bunch of servers, for more than five years each one and can count the number of breakages on one hand. On the other hand, I run Ubuntu on my laptop and stopped counting the amount of issues I've had with upgrades.

But I'd consider that amount of breakage from my Arch installs very infrequent, but maybe I'm comparing it to the wrong thing, as as I said before, I don't have any experience with BSD systems, maybe breakage there is even more uncommon?

the secret sauce here is that "ports collection/packages collection" aka anything useful beyond service NAT gateway/network router is not a system!

from the docs:

> FreeBSD is bundled with a rich collection of system tools as part of the base system. In addition, FreeBSD provides two complementary technologies for installing third-party software: the FreeBSD Ports Collection, for installing from source, and packages, for installing from pre-built binaries.

Thus, when FreeBSD guys say "my system is solid" - means he can use ping/top/csh. But if update breaks say Firefox - it's not part of the system and haha, system is stable!

I never use csh, the first step when I install FreeBSD is to install bash.

Most of the programs that I use on FreeBSD come from ports, not from the base system (they are various networking applications like squid or samba or nginx), even if I use some functions from the base system, e.g. firewall/NAT/routing, some times the NFS server.

Nevertheless, I did not have problems with inconsistencies in the ports collection, and that includes Firefox (which I use some times together with vncserver, so I can use it remotely even if I do not normally install the X11 server on FreeBSD).

It is true however that on FreeBSD I have used only seldom programs with GUI interfaces, Firefox being an exception to that, and those are usually among the programs more likely to be broken by updates on Linux systems.

nah, I used FreeBSD on desktop, and I was tracking CURRENT with weekly rebuilds.

The only time things "broke" for me is when X11 on FreeBSD switched to libinput by default.

Never had issues with anything else:

- nvidia drivers always worked, unlike ubuntu that tried to install opensource-not-working-driver every time it gets

- My keyboard remapping worked every upgrade. Ubuntu broke it major release, Arch broke it from time to time. Fedora I didn't even bother.

- Most of my software was always on bleeding edge release when possible

- Docker in bhyve worked better than on linux because I could just restart VM

- Not once, my bootloader went foobar in 20 years (with GRUB I live in constant fear)

Now, if FreeBSD folks stopped with perfectionism and finally landed GPU and WiFi drivers...I'd be still using it. Now I won't switch back though, I'm far too friendly with Nix.

> - nvidia drivers always worked, unlike ubuntu that tried to install opensource-not-working-driver every time it gets

Many, many moons ago a video game called Return to Castle Wolfenstein was released, and in addition to a Linux server where you could host multi-player games, it actually had a Linux client.

I played on the Linux client for a while with an NVidia GPU. But my main desktop was FreeBSD at the time, and so instead of dual-booting I used FreeBSD's Linux API/ABI emulation to play RtCW with FreeBSD NVidia drivers. I even got a few more FPS under FreeBSD.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_to_Castle_Wolfenstein

I'm not going to debate if ports/pkg is solid or not, either way it sure is nice to have a solid system at the base. On Linux, where the base is intermingled with everything else, it's a lot easier to upgrade packages and break the whole system, because there's no distinction between packages and the base system.

I take your point, but I've used freebsd on a laptop before and never had 3rd party software (like firefox) break after an update. FreeBSD really is stable. For desktops/laptops I would probably lean towards a linux distro first due to hw support, but FreeBSD being stale/solid is no joke.

FreeBSD users with issues will just recompile Firefox from the ports.

Also, I am an OpenBSD user (not FreeBSD), and I can say packages are much better maintained than in the 99% of the distros.

I was trying to produce good example on differences in reading "stable system" on FreeBSD vs Linux worlds, when definition on what is "system" differs.

No anything specific I have to put against Firefox or any other application here.

I almost always use only programs that I compile from sources (with few exceptions, like the NVIDIA drivers and libraries or some commercial EDA/CAD programs). I also strongly dislike systemd (not based on hearsay, but after testing it for a couple of months a few years ago, while using Arch Linux). These 2 conditions disqualify many Linux distributions for me.

So I most frequently use Gentoo or some distribution derived from it, e.g. Funtoo.

I have switched to Gentoo around 2002/2003, after using a few older distributions, including Slackware, Redhat and SUSE.

During the first decade of using Gentoo, the Portage collection was better maintained and I would have never had problems with upgrades, except that when I have tested KDE 4 I was astonished by how the team which hijacked its development had been able to remove all the features that I liked in KDE 3.5, so I have wiped KDE 4 and I have reverted to KDE 3.5.

Then, for a couple of years I had to fight more and more at each upgrade to avoid the breakage of the preserved KDE 3.5, until that became so difficult that I gave up and I replaced KDE with XFCE.

Then for a few years there have been no problems with upgrades, but during the last decade they have begun to appear sporadically. In many cases the upgrades still work without surprises, but every few months there is one that fails because some package does not compile for various reasons, e.g. because some library is not listed as a dependence so it has not been updated, or because there is a circular package dependence that appears only with the specific combination of USE flags that are set on my system, or because there is some conflict between the dependencies of some packages that prevent them to be installed together without certain workarounds.

What I like at Gentoo is that it permits an extreme customization of the system, but that is what makes very difficult for the package maintainers to test their package build instructions, because it is hard to generate all the combinations of options that might have been chosen by some user.

The breakages are not frequent, but because they happen sometimes I am not confident to allow them to be performed automatically, without supervision, like I allow them to be done on FreeBSD.

I would prefer a package system like that of Nix, but I have not found yet enough time to play with Nix, or maybe with Guix, to evaluate which will be the consequences of converting to it.

Being a Linux user since Debian Woody and others until 2011, I can say most of them.

Debian and Ubuntu breackage was guaranteed. On RH/RHEL, it was not easy somtimes.

Arch had two major switchs (SystemD and anothers).

On OpenBSD, you just read the upgrade guide, download the bsd.rd, boot it and upgrade. Or with sysupgrade from a few releases. Much reliable than Linux.


what breakage do you remember from Debian? I remember using debian on the same machine and going through three major releases without issue. ubuntu, not so much.

agreed about the ease of openBSD upgrades from one release to another

I think Woody->Sarge, some ALSA settings. I used bf24 (2.4) kernel in Woody.

Consistency, I have been using linux for 20+ years but if its not redhat or debian based I couldn't tell you how to start or stop services etc as its always different from the unix standard and every other linux. FreeBSD is unix it doesn't try to be that and something else at the same time.

This, this. On Debian I had to run rcconf since Debian Sarge. On OpenBSD there's rcctl and /etc/rc.conf.local. MUCH saner. If I had internet at home before 2010, a lot of things would be far easier.

My fist Linux was from 2003-4, Debian Woody. Why I learned was until 2007-8 mainly the bunch of tools from Debconf (the installer, update-alternatives, apt, dpkg-reconfigure, make-kpkg (to compile a newer kernel), debhelper and so on), not the Unix way to do things. In 2006-2009 I knew how to compile Mplayer from source (tgz) and a bunch of other tools (Cedega from CVS) with apt-get build-dep to fetch the deps and a bit more, that's it.

From 2009-2010, I've got a brief match with Slackware and Arch, and from that, OpenBSD. OpenBSD was dumb simple in design, seriously. With Linux you had to do voodoo with Artsd/ESD disabling them and then more fuckery with UCM files and DMIX. OSS under BSD's (I liked FreesBIE, a lovely live CD with FreeBSD and XFCE) just worked. And it ran faster than Linux.

Also, the Bash guides from the Howto's were utterly difficult, much more than the Ksh ones from Orelly (learning Perl for scripting was far easier, trust me).

>but if its not redhat or debian based I couldn't tell you how to start or stop services

The same way as in freebsd "service blabla start" it's a compatibility hook.

on fedora its systemctl instead of service because they are all systemd up, other distros might use something other than systemd and a compatibility hook is entirely dependant on the distro deciding it cares about backwards compatibility which isn't the case for fedora or debian at least in comparison to freebsd you can still build work the old school way.

> on fedora its systemctl instead of service because they are all systemd up

Fedora (and its derivatives like RHEL/CentOS/etc) still has the "service" command, it forwards to the corresponding systemctl command. The same for Debian (the comments in Debian's "service" command even mention it's a modified version of the RHEL/Fedora one).

Being a proper UNIX descendant, but it hardly matters to most folks.

Funny enough, it's not quite the same, but Huawei has a Linux distribution that is certified to conform to the Unix 03 standard


"It's like that thing, if you care" is a very poor answer. What makes it like that thing more than others? Why is that a strong enough point to mention? You think you can run old unix software on it?

There are several, to be honest, but my favourite by far is that it cleanly separates, like all BSDs, the base system and the external packages. You can have a stable or bleeding edge base system depending on what suits your tastes, and on it install the lastest extra packages you need. They completely reside under /usr/local and are installed through different channels (the ports), cleanly separating the system from the user software, like it happens on Windows or macOS but arguably less clunky.

This is something is sincerely miss in Linux, where more often than not you have to either decide between having bleeding edge packages on a bleeding edge system (like Linux, or Debian Sid) or having to deal with old packages and third party repositories (like on Debian or Red Hat).

Also, the fact the whole system is shipped, tested and built by a closely knit group of developers is a huge bonus to me - the overall experience feels polished and well integrated, something Linux distros often seriously lack. At times on Linux it just feels as if some packages have just been bundled haphazardly together with zero care about documenting their interactions or how they are supposed to work, or that the packagers do not agree with upstream and do random modifications that just complicate things (like on Debian or Red Hat). Lots of stuff in FreeBSD has no upstream - FreeBSD and the other BSDs write and maintain their own kernel, libc, core utils, init system, bootloader, ...

>You can have a stable or bleeding edge base system depending on what suits your tastes,

Not with OpenBSD. If you run -current, please, do not mix -release and -current pkgs/ports.

NetBSD it's bound to major releases:


NetBSD's pkgsrc makes it easy to run several different package repositories, mixing releases.

Q1: what's your impression/general thoughts on immutable OSes? To name a few - Bottlerocket, Flatcar and Talos Linux, Fedora Silverblue and Android?

Q2: a bit different, but similar as the end goal - immutable infrastructure where you say update your AMIs and migrating services there, shutting down old "unapgraded" servers at all?

An alternative OS for an heterogeneous infrastructure.

For example, when there is a security bug in Linux you can shutdown those servers and spin up FreeBSD ones while the patch is being made.

I guess that makes some sense if you were already running both operating systems in production. Maintaining an alternative stack would be almost twice the work otherwise.

It depends on the risk. Sometimes shutting down vulnerable servers is not worth it.

I'm not sure anything of the first article can really be said to be unique value propositions, though to be fair this is not what you are claiming either. But just to go into some specifics.

> One of the best features of FreeBSD is that it can be used as a general-purpose operating system. That means that FreeBSD can be used as a server, as an embedded system, or in networking.

Same for Linux.

> FreeBSD provides simplified software management with the help of its packaging system and the ports collection.

Not a ports experts but the difference between ports and Gentoo portage does not really seem that big, certainly nothing of FreeBSD itself makes it more suitable to working with ports than a Linux kernel. And there is guix and nix also which really should cover most software management needs and flexibility anyone has.

> One of the many great advantages of FreeBSD is that it allows you to customize the operating system, according to your needs.

Again Gentoo, nix and guix covers this quite well.

> You don’t need lots of cores – but you can definitely run it on huge multicore systems, can easily run a highly graphical interface, or choose the simpler way; FreeBSD will support you either way.

Linux definitely does scale up and down, maybe FreeBSD scales down a bit smaller than Linux, but I would have to see numbers to back this up, and I don't think it is that significant in difference.

> FreeBSD has been ported to a variety of instruction set architectures.

Again this is not something unique to FreeBSD and Linux has a proven track record of portability.

> FreeBSD includes two native file systems, the Unix File System (UFS) and the Z File System (ZFS).

I guess "native" ZFS is the closest it comes to a UVP, but given Linux support for ZFS is quite good to the point where ZFS on root is possible I'm nto sure it qualifies.

Not saying FreeBSD is not great, but not sure it really has any unique value propositions.

> Not a ports experts but the difference between ports and Gentoo portage does not really seem that big, certainly nothing of FreeBSD itself makes it more suitable to working with ports than a Linux kernel.

As far as I know gentoo portage is based on freebsd's ports. Where Gentoo has different kernels (linux or freebsd) and an ever changing userland, FreeBSD has consistency they make a complete operating system they don't bolt stuff together like Linux distros do. The holistic approach of freebsd results in a more cohesive and considered environment linux doesn't have this.

The difference is not that one has the command pkg and the other portage but how the entire environment has been considered to work with ports.

> Linux definitely does scale up and down, maybe FreeBSD scales down a bit smaller than Linux

In my experience they both scale the same, it makes sense that they would both watch each other and implement any improvements they seen since they are both open source.

> I guess "native" ZFS is the closest it comes to a UVP

If you are looking for a killer feature that destroys linux you aren't going to find it they are both very similar, its like looking for a UVP for Fedora vs Gentoo vs Debian they all do pretty much the same thing but in different ways. I use Fedora on desktop and Debian on servers as they both seem to be well suited to those environments, I could just change one to work like the other but why bother? Same is true of FreeBSD.

The killer for me is that it's a full-fledged operating system, not just a kernel.

Kernel and Userspace are developed, and packaged together, in the same repo.

I have internal (happens just for me, in my head) bet that recent Postgres 15 won't be even benchmarked on FreeBSD by any meaningful vendor. By vendor here I refer to companies like Percona, 2ndQuadrant, EnterpriseDB, Greenplum and/or hosting vendors - like AWS/AZURE/GCP (like they may find out that on ARM servers FreeBSD + Postgres15 are a sweet couple) or some Postgres devs - not a random person on internet.

Lack of such benchmarking, will be indicator of "no one cares on that platform anymore".

Nginx can be other one "indicator" - Nginx started as FreeBSD focused product in company heavily focused on FreeBSD (I know couple of persons from there by that times), nowdays not even mentioning ARM64 in list of supported product

> FreeBSD 3 — 12 / i386; FreeBSD 5 — 12 / amd64; FreeBSD 11 / ppc; FreeBSD 12 / ppc64;

from [1] and [2]. Not a big deal for _now_ but, but - more and more ARM servers in major hostings, even Hetzner has 2 of them. Seems this train have been missed too.

Let's see will I win my bet or not.

[1] https://nginx.org/en/#tested_os_and_platforms [2] https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/technical-specs/?_ga=2.23463900...

thanks, but that seems to be passing tests, like QA, not benchmarking for performance, do I misread it?

Oracle Cloud supports FreeBSD on Arm64 and Amd64, but overall i have no idea what you try to say...in your head...

Is it really a good idea to make your graphical logo as "a Devil smiling" ?

This is one of those cases of if you're going to raise a stink about it, the community probably doesn't want to deal with you regardless.

That ship sailed a long time ago, friend.

I don't know if I should be amazed at how 1-person can contribute to an OS ... or if I should be saddened at the current state of OS's given the 10,000s of developers working OS's.

(Another person who comes to mind is Matt Dillon of DragonflyBSD and his huge contributions)

I had a lot of help. I was driving this, but it was absolutely not a one-person effort.


> The FreeBSD kernel now handles such duplicate environment variables by appending suffixes, so that we end up with virtio_mmio.device, virtio_mmio.device_1, virtio_mmio.device_2, et cetera,

Was there any discussion of a cleaner alternative to this, perhaps extending the existing APIs with the ability to retrieve multiple values for one key (without breaking backwards compatibility, obviously) or concatenating the values with some sort of delimiter (colon, literal new line, ascii RS, or even null)?

Problem is that in general we want foo=bar to replace any previous value of foo.

I understand, that's why I was asking about an additional api (get_xx_multi, etc) that would return an array or composite string or whatever, while get_xx would continue to return just the single/latest value.

Not being able to tell whether or not foo was specified twice or foo and foo_1 were specified separately just gives me flashbacks to a bygone era of osdev and gives me security creepy-crawlies.

(also how do you handle `device=xxx device=yyy device_1=zzz`?)

If there's other users for this I'll write a getenv_multi which takes a callback function. Didn't seem like much point doing that until we want to use this somewhere else though.

We end up with device=xxx and device_1=yyy but if you mean that someone specifies device_1=zzz after that, it would show up as device_1_1=zzz. I'm inclined to file that one under "if a user is deliberately obtuse, they get what they deserve".

> We end up with device=xxx and device_1=yyy but if you mean ...

No, I meant the first example. I'm trying to think of realistic non-obtuse cases like an entirely different spec calls for name_1, name_2, etc. but for some reason a numbered key is repeated. It's mostly an academic concern though, no worries!

Thanks for the awesome work you do for the FreeBSD community, as always.

Could OpenBSD run Firecracker? I think it would be a nice development. Security focused OS meets security focused microVM.

No, Firecracker built on top of KVM. IIRC KVM only available on Linux and Illumos. There used to be FreeBSD port, but it's dead.

Nice! If I'd be looking into running FreeBSD it would be because I heard about its supposed security and I/O performance characteristics. Do those qualities hold up when run on firecracker this way? What applications would you choose FreeBSD for?

In my experience FreeBSD performance and security are great but not significantly better than linux. ZFS support on freebsd seems better than linux certainly its been supported a lot longer, bhyve works really well for virtualising freebsd and linux never tried it with windows.

The biggest strength is the ports / package manager works better than anything I have tried on linux and it sticks to unix principles closer than linux.

The biggest weakness for freebsd is docker and mono support is very poor. There is a desktop distro but in general any gui stuff linux beats freebsd hands down I only use freebsd for server stuff.

I use it for production web servers, backup / storage servers, routers, virtualisation servers. I find its rock solid and more consistent than linux.

Agreed that the lack of docket support is frustrating given how pervasive docker has become. However I’ve been using jails[0] in my home lab for 12 years and it’s a delight to use.

[0] - https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/jails/

I love jails, bastille as a jail manager/builder is really great.


Is I/O performance still better on FreeBSD after the last round of Linux improvements like io_uring and eBPF?

Is it better / worse (in terms of say performance or security) than Bhyve?

Firecracker trades run-time performance in favor of faster boot-time latency. It is something that is being addressed but afaik still exists. This of course doesn't mean anything if you want firecracker to boot a multi-gig JVM installation (the larger the filesystem generally, expect a longer boot time).

Security wise there are some minor differences. For instance bhyve supports virtio-rng but firecracker doesn't want to: https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker/issues/16... .

I think if your app requires fast boot time and your app supports that than it's fine (so services that spin up and down on demand) but apps that daemonize for extended periods of time or take forever to initialize probably not a great fit.

Nice development. Thank you, Colin!

A welcome development. I wonder how quickly it boots.

Colin's done a lot of work in improving boot time on EC2 and in general, so I'm a little surprised he didn't actually mention the boot time in this article. In 2022Q1 he had boot time down to 8s (in EC2, IIRC); based on how cut down the FIRECRACKER config he added is and that there's no loader involvement, I don't think it'd be too surprising if he hits ~5-6s or less.

It took me four days to get the blog post written and I only finished it last night because the toddler went to sleep early. I didn't want to drag it out any longer!

But to answer the question: On small VMs, we can reach /sbin/init in under 50 ms and /etc/rc finishes running in under 500 ms. (Larger VMs take longer -- past a few GB of RAM, the time for initializing paging tables and launching APs starts to dominate.)

Incredible. Maybe we can use this to shoe horn in docker support without the long lived VM

That's a neat technical challenge solved, but I'm surprised by how much effort is being put in for these operating systems that basically no-one uses.

Basically no one uses FreeBSD? Last time I checked, companies like Netflix, Sony, Yandex and more uses FreeBSD for most of their services, not sure I'd put those in the bracket of "no one".

Also, Hacker News runs FreeBSD, for what it's worth :)

Distrowatch too...it's kind of hilarious ;)

Why is it hilarious that a website covering Linux Distributions and Berkeley Software Distributions is running on FreeBSD?

Because they changed to linux and then back to freebsd, bit like sdf.org.

SDF had some Unix, then Linux, got hacked, and then NetBSD.

Yes...point was switched from Linux to NetBSD.

Lots of people and places use freebsd like netflix. I only see the popularity of freebsd increasing as linux moves more and more away from unix.

I'm slowly switching over for server-side, and next time I try a free OS desktop it'll probably be freebsd. Only thing I miss is docker, which I mostly just use as a package manager and service manager so I don't have to screw with distro-specific trivia for those things, and that's less of a problem on FreeBSD anyway.

I've long tolerated Linux but never loved it, and it's moving away from anything I'm interested in with each year, it seems (the competing mostly-bad image-based app distribution systems and the way Wayland's going are... yikes). Glad FreeBSD's there as an alternative.

On FreeBSD, I would recommend looking at jails and something like CBSD as a way to manage jails.


Right, I'm familiar with them, but a huge part of the benefit of docker is that it's basically a cross-distro (and, to some degree, cross-platform) very up-to-date server-oriented package manager. There are some efforts to create something like that for Jails but AFAIK none of them have gotten very far. Docker's benefit is that ~everyone uses it so there's usually an official docker image for anything one might want to run, kept in step with releases, plus a substantial history of images for rollbacks and testing and such.

It turns "how do I install and run this?" from a bunch of platform- and distro-specific instructions into `docker-compose up` for everything, with the bonus that the compose file also tells you exactly where data & config for the service live, so it's also concise, guaranteed-accurate, and extremely useful documentation. Old LTS Ubuntu? Can run the same version of a service, with the same command, as on bleeding-edge Arch. On Arch, exact same command. Debian, Red Hat? Same command. MacOS, if you've got docker set up, same command. Windows, ditto. The latter two, non-natively, sure, but it works. Learn docker, and you can use it everywhere, unlike becoming proficient with, say, dpkg/apt or portage or pacman. It can even kinda save you from having to worry about how a given platform's init system and process management works, at least for simple use cases.

Again, if you're doing most or everything on FreeBSD, development and hosting both, those benefits mostly vanish. But the reality is many workplaces or even personal dev+hosting environments are mixed, and docker suits those better than anything else I'm aware of—but if FreeBSD is in the mix, it's the odd-man-out. It's good not (only) because of its kinda-Jails-like isolation, but because of the excellent coverage of the image repository.

True the lack of docker support is a pretty big deal breaker if you use docker a lot. Freebsd jails have been a unique selling point for freebsd for years but I think linux containers have caught up and dockers ease of use and community support is unmatched.

I don't use docker much so its not an issue for me. I could probably setup jails for the stuff I use docker for but I'm lazy so I have a debian virtual machine running on bhyve that runs any docker stuff I want. My preference is freebsd but im not precious ill use what ever tool fits the job best.

FreeBSD's license causes it to be used in lots (lots!) of places where GPL isn't suitable - most are probably not super famous, but still ubiquitous. But as others have mentioned in their replies to you, there are many rather high profile use cases as well.

So - your premise is wrong - but even if it wasn't, why be surprised? Some stuff is just fun to hack on, people have passions and interests too.

It's funny to see peoples in such a deep bubble. For example in japan you hear *bsd as much if not more than linux.

Also many firewalls use freebsd/openbsd, from pfSense to opnsense to genugate.

Both comments are exaggerated. *BSD is used in some Japanese embedded devices like router or PlayStation, but generally Linux is far more popular. Embedded engineers aren't actively publish information like web/app engineers, so there are less information for BSD usage on internet. Still Linux is far more popular in general.

>Still Linux is far more popular in general.

I pretty much had the opposite experience.

For example, let's see how much articles posted for them. Though newbies tend to use Linux and matured BSD devs tend to not post on Qiita, still it's over x20 difference.

https://qiita.com/tags/linux https://qiita.com/tags/freebsd https://qiita.com/tags/netbsd

Maybe i talked just with really old "matured" dev's like my self..

there's japanese ISP's that use NetBSD in their hardware correct?

Yes i heard something too.

And Apple used it for their Apple AirPort:


You might not hear about them publicly but *BSD boxes usually run the backbone of network infrastructures - DNS servers, firewalls, file servers, etc.

A predictable release schedule and praised upgrade paths mean companies can plan product updates long into the future.

I thought also Apple regularly cherry-picks interesting stuff to integrate into macOS/iOS

I believe when Apple used to make the Airports, it was pretty much NetBSD on those.

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