I’m happy this worked for you. This in itself is an interesting anecdote about documentation quality. I knew this API existed but forgot the exact API and searches for “caching SwiftUI rasterized view” and similar queries did not return this API (which, for the record, isn’t exactly what it does…) . I eventually found it in a roundabout way but had I not been pretty sure it existed, I would probably have given up.
> This in itself is an interesting anecdote about documentation quality.
apple used to make these great deep-dive pdfs for new frameworks like core data, quartz (core graphics), even obj-c itself that explained many nuances and caveats of each subsystem/framework...
imho i think swiftui could use a good doc like that
Those were so awesome because they explained the whole system. The core graphics one was an absolute lifesaver when I started working with iOS. Apples UI a frameworks seemed way more complex than anything I’d ever worked with before but once I understood the layers they started to click. I don’t know what I would have done with a bunch of class guides with patchy comments.