I get the sense that when it comes to innovations in organizing and leadership, there is very little solid innovation. We’re pretty much working with the same dictatorial hierarchy that has existed since forever.
Some exceptions are perhaps Valve. Most other companies try to make a change at the margins and even that is heralded as a great innovation but generally fails to get adopted widely.
That's exactly where every single big corporation goes to: risk-averse and being milked as cash cows. Being a corpse in the way of others.
So why not speed up the process and at least cut the suffering from thousands of lives and skip the step when those risk-takers inevitably fuck up and overhire? Let all companies be boring cash cows after the initial stage, might even improve innovation from smaller players.
Yeah it’s a bit silly to push workers at a Big Tech behemoth to work like they’re at a startup. This is completely delusional and leaders who propose these things should get fired.
Do you want golden parachutes?
This is how you get these.