I hope they also worked on removing the many UI bugs from PyCharm remote: laggy scrolling while in the diff view, some editor settings like rulers at 100/120 chars not working properly, some settings panes lagging out until the editor is restarted, etc etc. I need to develop on a remote VM and I’m using VSCode at the moment because it’s remote story is less buggy, but would much rather be using PyCharm.
The remote feature (Jetbrains Gateway) is so buggy that it made me completely stop using PyCharm, since I’m mostly developing remotely now. Whereas the VScode remote feature works beautifully. I also found their Copilot plug-in to be buggy, and that’s also a must have. It’s a shame because, aside from those things, I really like PyCharm. But those things are absolute deal killers for me.
There a lots of tiny issues: some UI settings like rulers (or whatever PyCharm calls them, vertical guides that tell you when you’re at 100 chars or something) just don’t work, and don’t show up in the main editor (but they show up in the diffs!). Some editor settings, like the main Python settings pane, just doesn’t load its settings page, and requires restarting the editor. Scrolling diffs with the scroll wheel is so janky and laggy to be unusable, but the main editor scrolls fine. Reconnecting after a short disconnect (open and close laptop lid) takes too long. The git client gets itself into a weird state sometimes where it will create the same 5 files no matter which branch I switch to, and the only way I’ve found to reset that is to delete every trace of IntelliJ off the remote and reconnect.