Not much of a fan of the new Typesafe Stack. It doesn't seem to install the scala, play and akka command-line tools like the old versions did. Is there a way to get a straight Scala REPL, or does everything have to go through giter8 and sbt now?
I was aware of that, but it seems silly to have a separate installation of Scala just for the REPL when the stack includes most of the important stuff already.
I guess that I'd be better off just using the individual components instead, for now. With the new version it feels like they've switched from being a fairly plain "distribution" of Scala/Akka to more of an opinionated tool set based on giter8 and sbt. That's a pretty big jump, and I'm hoping that the lack of command-line support tools is something that's fixable once things are settled a bit.
Then are you just asking how to get a Scala REPL using sbt?
If so, you can get one by entering the command 'sbt console' in a project directory. This will give you a scala console with the added bonus that all of the files in your project will be loaded as part of the REPL's classpath.