- the system could theoretically trace the inputs, but then IP lawyers would eat company alive; pretending the corpus isn't pirated, so it can be cheap.
- the system could verify and re-check, but that would require a massive compute increase; spouting bullshit, so it can be cheap
- indeed a lot of answers around here go with "let's waste money by throwing it at the system until a human likes the result" - not cheap, but profitable for the provider
- the system could theoretically trace the inputs, but then IP lawyers would eat company alive; pretending the corpus isn't pirated, so it can be cheap.
- the system could verify and re-check, but that would require a massive compute increase; spouting bullshit, so it can be cheap
- indeed a lot of answers around here go with "let's waste money by throwing it at the system until a human likes the result" - not cheap, but profitable for the provider