Slightly tangential: is anyone else flabbergasted at the cookie consent form on this site, and others that use the same ad network?
It reads "We value your privacy", followed by a list of 1,573(!!!) "partners" who want access to my personal data. Some of these are opt-in by default due to "legitimate interest", and I'm not sure if the "Reject all" button even applies to them. At least there is one, and it's relatively prominent.
The state of advertising on the web has become absolutely insane. The fact YouTube now also shows ads when videos are paused, and they have the gall to increase the price of YT Premium is pure greed.
Not only will I never pay for this because I don't won't anything to do that would support this insidious business model, I will dedicate my time and effort to teach others how to do the same.
Fuck everything to do with this, and Google primarily for ruining the web. None of their tech contributions comes close to negate the harm they've caused.
"Opt-out" seems like what you mean, where a legitimate interest makes them default to sharing, and you are doubtful whether a "Reject all" opt-out will affect those settings?
Right, that's what I meant. "Opt-in by default" to me means that the default is to share my data, but I can see how that could mean the reverse. Thanks.
Probably just a few ad networks which means they have to show everyone. It isn’t ’you details will be shared to all of these’ but instead may be shared
It reads "We value your privacy", followed by a list of 1,573(!!!) "partners" who want access to my personal data. Some of these are opt-in by default due to "legitimate interest", and I'm not sure if the "Reject all" button even applies to them. At least there is one, and it's relatively prominent.
The state of advertising on the web has become absolutely insane. The fact YouTube now also shows ads when videos are paused, and they have the gall to increase the price of YT Premium is pure greed.
Not only will I never pay for this because I don't won't anything to do that would support this insidious business model, I will dedicate my time and effort to teach others how to do the same.
Fuck everything to do with this, and Google primarily for ruining the web. None of their tech contributions comes close to negate the harm they've caused.