Exactly, and it's been proven time and time again that such in-person collaboration leads to improved job satisfaction, retention, and overall employee happiness.
My entire team is in another time zone. And like many, I don't even have an assigned desk at the office. So, my RTO is commuting in, booking an empty conference room, and then dialing in to meetings with people on the other side of the country.
Is the Amazon meat grinder the paradigm of that? I like in person collaboration despite working remotely, but I don't think forcing everyone back is the right call. Maybe people forget the opposite; scolding emails about how their should be butts in seats at 7 pm when the pizzaman cometh.
According to studies, thing $X leads to improved job satisfaction, retention, and overall employee happiness. According to studies, thing $Y which is the exact opposite of thing $X leads to improved job satisfaction, retention, and overall employee happiness.
Maybe those studies aren't saying what people think they are saying?