Did you verify their claims or are you just calling BS and that's it? The new functions are in fact much faster than their C equivalent (and yes, I did verify that).
Your original claim "I've not checked but this guy, and by extension the C++ standards committee who worked on this new API, are probably full of shit" was pretty extraordinary.
Look at the compiler-generated instructions yourself if you don't believe the source that I linked; in the cases I've seen all the extra new stuff just adds another layer on top of existing functions and if the former are faster the latter must necessarily also be.
The standards committee's purpose is to justify their own existence by coming up with new stuff all the time. Of course they're going to try to spin it as better in some way.
It compiles from sources, can be better in-lined, benefits from dead code elimination when you don't use unusual radix.
It also don't do locale based things.