The bottom line is it's a Pi 5 without the ports, and I think it'll further cement the Compute Module in the embedded space, anywhere a little Linux computer is needed. The faster IO and 2-3x faster CPU and integrated GPU make it a lot more useful.
And not being launched in the midst of COVID and just prior to a global PC parts shortage should be helpful, too.
1000x thanks, from the normal marketing material and post I could not tell if it was a drop in replacement, even if mostly. Looking forward to upgrade my uConsole.
The bottom line is it's a Pi 5 without the ports, and I think it'll further cement the Compute Module in the embedded space, anywhere a little Linux computer is needed. The faster IO and 2-3x faster CPU and integrated GPU make it a lot more useful.
And not being launched in the midst of COVID and just prior to a global PC parts shortage should be helpful, too.