The "problems" are the same as with any statically-linked package (or, for that matter, any usage of AppImage, Flatpak, Snap, container images etc. as a binary distribution format). You can use Rust to build a "C project" (either a dynamic library exporting a plain C API/ABI, or an application linking to "C" dynamic libraries) and its packaging story will be the same as previous projects that were literally written in C. The language is just not very relevant here, if anything Rust has a better story than comparable languages like Golang, Haskell, Ocaml etc. that are just as challenging for distros.
This is unrelated to whether it is statically-linked or dynamically-linked, it is about maintaining compatibility of API for libraries.
In C, it is generally assumed that libraries maintain compatibility within one major version, so programs rarely have tight version intervals and maintainers could just use the newest available version (in each major series) for all packages depending on it.
If the build system (for Rust and some other languages) makes it easy to depend on specific minor/patch versions (or upper-bound intervals of versions), it encourages developers to do so instead of working on fixing the mess in the ecosystem.
This is an inaccurate generalization of both C and Rust ecosystems, and an inflammatory framing.
openssl has made several rounds of incompatible changes. ffmpeg and related av* libs make major releases frequently. libx264 is famous for having "just pin a commit" approach to releases.
It's common for distros to carry multiple versions of major libraries. Sometimes it's a frequent churn (like llvm), sometimes it's a multi-year migration (gtk, ncurses, python, libpng).
C libraries aren't magically virtuous in their versioning. The language doesn't even help with stability, it's all manual painstaking work. You often don't see these pains, because distro the maintainers do heroic work of testing the upgrades, reporting issues upstream, holding back breaking changes, and patching everything to work together.
Cargo packages almost never pin specific dependency versions (i.e. they don't depend on exact minor/patch version). Pinning is discouraged, because it works very poorly in Cargo, and causes hard dependency resolution conflicts. The only place where pinning is used regularly is pairs of packages from the same project that are expected to be used together (when it's essentially one version of one package, but had to be split into two files for technical reasons, like derive macros and their helper functions).
By default, and this is universally used default, Cargo allows semver-major-compatible dependency upgrades (which is comparable to sover). `dep = "1.2.3"` is not exact, but means >=1.2.3 && <2.0.0. The ecosystem is quite serious about semver compatibility, and there is a tooling to test and enforce it. Note that in Cargo the first non-zero number in the version is the semver-major.
> ffmpeg and related av* libs make major releases frequently.
True, not every lib keeps long-term stable API.
> It's common for distros to carry multiple versions of major libraries. Sometimes it's a frequent churn (like llvm), sometimes it's a multi-year migration (gtk, ncurses, python, libpng).
This is consistent with what i wrote as these are changes in major versions.
> C libraries aren't magically virtuous in their versioning.
My statement was not categorical statement about C libraries, but it was about incentives shaping the ecosystem. Using libraries has costs and benefits. Frequent churn means higher costs, so it is acceptable when bringing higher benefits. In the C ecosystem, the cost for major version churn (or general library API incompatibility) is high, so people avoid it when possible. If sophisticated tooling like Cargo makes building against specific versions easy, it lowers the cost of churn, so everyone is less concerned with it.
It is true that in C ecosystem, keeping stability is not effortless, for software developers it means running CI with tens of distros / distro versions, to test their software against diversity of library versions. Not 'just use my Cargo.lock' (i am not sure how widespread this approach is in Rust ecosystem, but at least some people argues for it in this discussion).
A rust program depends on various libraries. It releases a specific version. Not pinning to specific dependencies for that specific version is weird for everyone who gets that program outside of their OS distribution package manager!
I release foo 1.2.3 as a package, when doing it depending on bar 4.5.6. Perhaps foo still compiles with bar 4.5.2 or 4.6.8... but that's _not_ foo 1.2.3 right? And if there are bug fixes in some of those but not others, if I had my deps set up to just package with "bar 4.x" , suddenly I'm getting bug reports for "1.2.3" without a real association to "the" 1.2.3.
I'm saying this, perhaps this is as easy as having two sets of deps (like deps for repackagers, deps for people wanting to reproduce what I built)... but if a binary is being shipped _not_ being explicit about the exact dependencies used is upstream of a whole lot of problems! Is there a great answer from OS distro package managers for this?
Is the thing that should happen here be that there's a configure step in rust builds that would mess around with deps based on what you have?
If your library changes API all the time, do you think it's a good library?
Do you rewrite every API call in your software every time you bump dependencies?
Do you think that a library that changes API very often and thus remains insecure because bumping it breaks the program should be running on people's computers?
Why do you think libraries get any releases at all?
Software A and B depend on C (version V). A has a bug that gets fixed by shipping with C version V+1. B unfortunately has a latent bug that appears when shipping with C (version V+1).
You’re now going to have to do a bunch of work, outright not ship stuff, or even introduce bugs because of this policy!
Nobody wants buggy libraries, and in this example it’s not the library’s fault (B might just be misusing C, or in fact compensating for a bug).
Reading through these threads I’m much more empathetic to the software bill of materials argument than before as a justification for this policy. I do not think there’s an intrinsic quality argument to the global single version policy.
Bug fix releases are proof that sometimes you do really just need to put out new things to fix a bug.
> If your library changes API all the time, do you think it's a good library?
If it has a 0.x.y version number? Yes, that's what 0.x means to begin with. In fact Rust/cargo provides a stricter interpretation of semver than the original, which allows you to express guarantees of API stability (by keeping the minor version number fixed) even in 0.x-version projects.