I gave Linux on the desktop a good shake once, back in 1994. I installed Debian from a dev branch that came on 15 floppies. I was running it on an AMD 5x86 160 with 24MB RAM and had a lovely 17-inch (unusual for the time) trinitron display from Nokia. I used it for about 4 months, then went back to Windows 95.
An interesting hitch was that I needed to purchase a commercial X-Window system to get color from my Tseng ET-4000/W32p graphics board. XFree86 would not hit the modes I wanted. It cost $99. Here is the manual:
An interesting hitch was that I needed to purchase a commercial X-Window system to get color from my Tseng ET-4000/W32p graphics board. XFree86 would not hit the modes I wanted. It cost $99. Here is the manual: