A hub motor ebike can do this with the right controller, assuming the hub motor has no clutch in it.
But you don't gain much, there's not a lot of weight to slow down with an ebike so regen gives you very little back.
You do lose the ability to efficiently climb steep hills with a hub motor, and they add a ton of unsprung weight if you have rear suspension which ruins its performance, so if that's your kind of terrain they're a bad choice.
> But you don't gain much, there's not a lot of weight to slow down with an ebike so regen gives you very little back.
But by the same token there's not a lot of weight to accelerate either, right? So while a moving bike has much less potential energy to recoup than a car, it needs much less to get back going again also.
So IMHO regen on a bike should be as useful as it is on a car, no?
>But by the same token there's not a lot of weight to accelerate either, right?
Right, most of the energy is used pushing air out of the way, which you don't get back from regen. Say you ride half a mile before stopping, the time to accelerate to 20mph is pretty small compared to the time you spend cruising at 20mph pushing all that air out of the way.
> Right, most of the energy is used pushing air out of the way
That's certainly the case once you're at speed (above 20km/hr is about the point where more energy is spent overcoming wind resistenace iirc). But I'm taking about taking off from the lights. Even to get you to 10 km/hr for free (or cheap) would be a bit boost for a commuter.
But you don't gain much, there's not a lot of weight to slow down with an ebike so regen gives you very little back.
You do lose the ability to efficiently climb steep hills with a hub motor, and they add a ton of unsprung weight if you have rear suspension which ruins its performance, so if that's your kind of terrain they're a bad choice.
Would save on brake pads though.