Seriously though, for my purposes I'm much more interested in tracking events of my current users. Obviously for you conversion funnel analysis is important, and thats cool, but realize everyone has different needs (and budgets!)
Icelancer is right. Conversion analysis for landing pages is is a core, mandatory component. If I'm going to have to use something like Mixpanel for the landing page, then I might as well use Mixpanel for everything. "Obviously for you conversion funnel analysis is important, and thats cool, but realize everyone has different needs" is a severe understatement of how crippled an analytics platform would be without conversion funnel analysis.
Don't get it confused, no one is saying that conversion analysis isn't important or shouldn't be included in the featureset. All I was trying to point out that you don't have to include the code for everyone if you don't need or want to for whatever reasons.