This is speculative, but I think Telegram actually has enough momentum at the moment to overtake WhatsApp as the main instant messaging service in the Netherlands--if they are able to adequately handle the massive amount of new registrations. The general public definitely seems to be uncomfortable privacy-wise with the acquisition of WhatsApp by Facebook. So much for privacy being dead.
It is a trend, exactly that. Because all major news outlets in the Netherlands are reporting on the Whatsapp downtime, they try to add some perspective with the Facebook buy and poke Telegram. This results in people checking out Telegram as the new trendy thing. Let us say 4/10 contacts use Telegram now. Why bother if 60% of your interaction is still on Whatsapp? Unless everybody switches it will just be a novelty app.
The thing that bothers me is this - any service that we use and are happy with, can be bought by FB. Then FB would own all of that data - so it doesn't matter if we don't use FB - first instagram, now whatsapp (there are probably others that I can't remember). This is good for the founders of whatsapp - not sure about the users though. It is hard to say no to boatload of cash, I guess.
What is your concern exactly? If it's privacy, from state level organizations like NSA you shouldn't be using mainstream IMs anyway. If it's just Zuckerberg then Telegram is fine and WhatsUp is not (anymore). If it's none of the above, then you're fine.
I think the point is is that even if you don't use mainstream services, than there's nothing stopping Facebook buying up whatever you were using at some point in the future.
At least they do offer the option relatively seamlessly (or so I hope). It might be cumbersome and awkward to explain to your non-tech friends why you want to enable it, but at least it's an option (although not necessarily proven to be secure).
This is speculative, but I think Telegram actually has enough momentum at the moment to overtake WhatsApp as the main instant messaging service in the Netherlands--if they are able to adequately handle the massive amount of new registrations. The general public definitely seems to be uncomfortable privacy-wise with the acquisition of WhatsApp by Facebook. So much for privacy being dead. Telegram is definitely a trending topic on Twitter in the Netherlands.