He claims " 54% of the 45M devices are in the US which means ~ 25M devices. The US has about 300M people. That means about 8% of the general American population has one of these devices."
However, this doesn't take in account broken phones or people upgrading iphones (and then not cycling the old phone back into the market place).
I would guess this number is 30% higher than it should be, at least.
Thanks for the comments on my blog post guys. This 45M isn't the # of devices produced. It's Apple's own number about the install base of app world. So likely it takes into consideration broken phones and people upgrading.
Actually I would love to see usage patterns among the free apps. Do people download a lot of free apps and use them, download a lot but delete after a day, or do people just download 1-3 free apps relevant to their interests (usually a better weather app, AIM, and Facebook) and not really "browse" the full gamut of the App Store?
Because I would not be surprised to find that only 25% of iPod/iPhone actually use the App Store beyond the above simple apps.
Glad you liked my post! For the 45M figure, scroll down to 5:41 (or alternatively search the earnings call page for "App store in 77 countries, more than 45 million install base.")
Apple doesn't break out iPod Touch vs Traditional. So I used admob's numbers about the iTouch vs iPhone to arrive at the number of iPod Touch devices.
Yes, people outside the US buy apps :-P But it's useful to get a device penetration figure (8% of americans) and work with that to do market sizing for a vertical. You could obviously figure out the penetration figure broken down by each country, but that would be rather time consuming.
However, this doesn't take in account broken phones or people upgrading iphones (and then not cycling the old phone back into the market place).
I would guess this number is 30% higher than it should be, at least.