I think apple are facing the same problems a lot of other companies face - it's no longer green field development and the existing codebase means they're being weighed down by regression. Maybe not enough automated tests.
However some bugs are basic error really. Take the frequently visited icons on mobile safari. They keep getting the wrong favicon - that's just shoddy programming and testing.
I think it is not so much the legacy code that is the problem.
I think it is the fact that more and more features are being introduced and many seem to have effects on each other in a way apple has not foreseen.
Like the Wifi issue seems to have something to do with the ad-hoc networks being used for handoff or for making telephone calls from your Mac etc.
Ever since iCloud and its background services was introduced it seems the bugs happen more and more frequently. I think we need a maintenance release of Mac OS this year instead of yet another set of new features that will clash with the existing ones.