This seems to be similar to Euterpea, a domain-specific language embedded in Haskell for computer music composition:
I'm curious what the differences are, either in capabilities or in overall goals, if anyone has looked at both.
I believe Compose is loosely based on Euterpea, but is much less full featured at this point in time. Euterpea probably can't parse guitar tab, though (a very fun feature that was recently added to Compose).
I dug into the Haskell Art of Expression ( a little to produce Compose. Not knowing much Haskell (yet), the influence was superficial, but I've no doubt that the similarities here are no coincidence.
This is pretty similar to the way synthgramelodia (, although git cloning that directory is probably the easiest way to download it) composes its stochastic music ( I did it in Python and didn’t use operator overloading for the combiners, in part because the melodies are stochastically composed DAGs rather than manually-composed.
It has the same primitive melodies of a rest and a note, and also the concatenation and concurrent ways of combining them, but with some additional details which make a big difference:
0. Primitive notes and rests are all the same length and (for notes) pitch and volume — one beat, A2, and 0dB; to get other pitches, lengths, and volumes, you have to use combining forms.
1. Concatenation and concurrency adjust the lengths of the combined melodies to be equal, so that the duration of a melody is necessarily a power of two. At different times I've done this by different combinations of repeating the shorter one, speeding up the longer one, and slowing down the shorter one. Currently the code repeats the shorter one in all cases, but I think this doesn’t work as well as some of the previous combinations I’ve tried.
2. Concatenation drops the volume of the second half of the resulting melody by 2dB, resulting in a sort of fractal loudness contour with clearly defined measures.
3. Concurrency raises the pitch of one of the melodies by an octave, so that you tend to have similar motifs in different octaves.
4. There are also Transpose and Louder combining forms, which make all the notes reachable. Transpose drops the pitch of a melody by a perfect fifth, while Louder raises its volume by 3dB.
Synthgramelodia needs a lot of work, but as you can see from the oggs I randomly dumped in that directory years ago, it has already produced some things that are kind of listenable. One problem it has is that it tends to produce scores with very large numbers of inaudibly quiet notes in them, and then it does nearest-neighbor resampling in interpreted Python, so it runs very slowly.
first, the NoteOn/NoteOff dichotomy comes from MIDI. it's pretty reasonable to argue that any other attempt to model music would involve sounds both beginning and ending, of course. but when you're designing sounds on a synthesizer, the terminology is Attack (for the start) and Release (for the end).
second, the author talks about skipping dynamics, to keep the code simple. so the code implements a subset of what you'd get with traditional music notation, i.e., the dots and squiggles people are talking about when they say they can read music. but "the score is not the music" is a saying among classical performers (iirc), and modern music software (e.g. Logic, Live, DAWs) uses MIDI to express dynamics in much higher resolution than scores can. and even then, "reading" the GUI of a DAW is not going to give you anything more than a mild approximation of what the sound is going to be.
I did a talk about programming drum rhythms in CoffeeScript where somebody asked me about jitter, aka swing, which is to say, a mechanism to take a programmed drum beat and make it feel like a human played it. everyone gets that difference subjectively, but there's also some research on what, exactly, in a numerical sense, that difference is.
the best "swing" implementation, the Roger Linn system used in MPCs, the Linn Drum, the Tempest, etc., just offsets the 2nd 16th note in every 8th-note "window."
but with an actual human drummer, the moments when they go too fast, relative to the absolute beat, are offset by moments when they go too slow. (all of this is at nanoscale timing.) to my knowledge, nobody's really gotten algorithms together to express or emulate this yet, although of course modern DAWs have a lot of interesting options, e.g., extracting the "groove" from one sample and applying it to another.
my point basically is that the deeper you get into this, the deeper you discover it goes. traditional musical notation is a graphic DSL full of cruft and stupidity, but it takes a lot of work to cook up some code which can cover everything that DSL covers, and if/when you get there, you just discover endlessly more levels of detail to explore.
this is awesome if you want to explore it, but agonizing if you want to get from installing a piece of software to making amazing music with it right away. so anyone who makes a library like this has to balance making it comprehensive against making it easy to get started, and in that sense, it's a lot like designing a programming language.
That's because traditional music notation isn't a DSL - it's a form of shorthand that gives you the bare minimum of information needed to create an interpretation.
And if it's something like figured bass or a jazz lead sheet, it's not even close to what's actually performed.
So if you take it literarily and think it's some kind of definitive description, you miss about 90% of what's going on.
> my point basically is that the deeper you get into this, the deeper you discover it goes.
Exactly. People who know more about computers than music keep reinventing this list idea over and over.
I've literally lost count of the number of times the same concepts have appeared in different places over the decades.
The people who 'invent' them always seem very pleased that they've completely mastered a whole new problem domain.
Sadly, no. Expressive music isn't about lists of notes.
Expressive music representations and creative music theory are full-scale industrial machine learning and AI problems.
It's hard to make music that more than a hundred people, not including your friends, will pay to listen to more than once.
For me, that's the absolute non-negotiable base test for models that claim to represent music in a useful way.
Thanks for the comments -- agreed with everything you say. I'm also a musician and the intersection between music and code is really interesting to me. Compose is just a toy, but I'm interested in learning about musical systems that are not.
Great points. I agree that music notation is a mess. I'd rather not have dotted notes and so forth in Compose. They aren't meaningful unless you already know music notation, and it's no more work to specify, say, a three-beat long note via other means. They do, however, serve as a nice illustration of the combinator library pattern that Compose is teaching.
As for jitter, I think one advantage of music DSLs is they make it easier to play with this kind of thing then tediously hand tweaking times in graphical software. You could modulate attack by a sine wave, for instance, to try to produce a more sophisticated imitation of swing. (Personally I'd rather explore new forms of music than try to replicate analog forms, but each to their own.)
And yes, it is definitely a lot like designing a programming language. Compose has a role in our training material, and the ultimate end of our curriculum is teaching elements of programming language design. The interpreter is considered by many in the functional programming community to be the master pattern underlying all others.
I started composing music on Scream Tracker for MS-DOS ( The layout there maintains a pretty good balance between being readable and machine executable. I'd like to try writing a tracker-style DSL for Compose to make the music easier to read. I've seen some really awesome interactive fader controls in Emacs (can't remember the name)---there could be some fun to be had doing similar things there too.