"The following image represents a series of 20 oil on canvas paintings by contemporary artist Lewis Lavoie, each depicting an individual, in tandem depicting the head of Adam from Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam."
My understanding is that the arranged image was done by Lewis Lavoie. As for the 20 individual images I'm not sure.
Do a google images search and you will find many others.
A quick search gives me this [0] "Invented by Lewis Lavoie, Mural Mosaic is an artistic concept which brings together hundreds of artworks painted by various artists into one exceptional image."
I was curious so made a quick github search and found something [1] that looks to have results more interesting than the ones obtained by the author.
Very cool. (1) Have you thought about using HOG templates for the matching step? Seems like you might get some interesting structural encoding similarities there. (2) When generating image patches, could they be different sizes? Or is the idea to make a simple grid?
Edit: I did a Tineye search and it is used all over the web, so it wasn't created by Frankenimage.